
Turkey’s Erdogan has done this tactic before - of trying to put up a false enemy in order to rally Turks behind him. He did it with the Kurds, and now Russia is his new straw man.

That’s because it’s all for show. Turkey’s Erdogan is using the sham to bolster up popular support for himself basically. He’s done this time and time again. First, it was the Kurds. Now the Russians.

You know, if I’d won that billion dollar lottery, I’d probably have gotten one of those Tornados, then parked it on the front lawn of my cliche estate in Calabasas, and then revved its engines to full afterburner .... just to piss off the Kardashians.

WHO the heck BUYS these things??? How much money do you have that you can blow it on a Tornado fighter/bomber? LOL

If you’re a schooled programmer, one of the first ‘bad things’ you learn is how to write a virus in C.

Thanks for bringing this up. The F-22 and F-35 are flying datacenters in terms of software complexity. The F-22's ADA coding is said to be so poorly documented it’s getting harder and harder to maintain.

The F-35 is less a war machine and more a flying computer server. THAT is a problem. The over-complexity is built IN to the F-35, and the very complexity that sells it —- also dooms it.

Ahhh shit. I hope some crew members survived. This really sucks!!

That’s the thing tho - what’s the point of that F-15 if it’s too busy dodging S-400 or S-500 SAMs? An F-15's combat range is nothing if it can’t fly 200 miles from its airbase without getting painted by SAM radars? Air supremacy is a guarantee. And you can’t guarantee air supremacy if lethal antiaircraft systems

See, that’s what I don’t get. If we can deploy an absolutely marvelous system like Aegis on the water, WHY THE HECK don’t we have something comparable on land???!!

It isn’t 100% all hype, for as Tyler’s mentioned in a previous article - allied planes are giving Western Syria a wide berth.

Not just them - all of us. I thought the market was done beating up equities to a bloody pulp. Guess not.

What good would our MRLS batteries do and how long would THEY survive if Russia neutralizes our air advantage with their SAMs? Russian fighter attack and bomber aircraft could destroy our artillery with impunity because there’d be no air assets to protect them.

The thing is, wait till the S-500 Prometheus gets rolled out there. If we’re freaking out over the S-400 already, what are we going to do when we’re facing a system that can detect targets at 3000km, engage 10 targets simultaneously with less than a 5 second response time, at 600 kilometers??

Haven’t you heard? Gawker Media is schizophrenic —- on one hand, you’ve got the biggest collection of liberal bloggers on the planet. On the other hand, you’ve got people who think Ammon Bundy is a hero and “the only good Commie is a dead Commie” crowd.

I’m sorry, are you referring to Russia .... or the United States? I find it ironic and foolish to be pointing fingers at how badly other countries are doing for themselves when we’re really no better.

Why are we as a nation so hung up on gender? If women are good enough to serve in the Israeli Defense Forces front lines, then they’re good enough to serve in the USMC. We seem to have too much of the luxury of being able to CHOOSE whether women should serve in combat.

You wouldn’t happen to be a North Korean general, would you?

You were one of those kids who was given a trophy just for showing up on the soccer field, weren’t you?