sam j

you literally just wrote a post saying you loved the series... this guy is saying he's never seen an episode. period. of any season. you're confused.

ITT: idiot has no understanding of cooking meat. thinks good steak should be "marinated" before cooking. finds French culinary practices "misogynistic." Would be laughed out of any kitchen.

i couldn't believe natty bo wasnt in the list!

you never fixed this article's title?!

He filled them with LEDs?! #corrections


you saw the ad in the back of wired, too?

that's etsy, not ebay. #corrections

Now playing

Matt... Allow me to blow your mind real quick:

wat? we use them in film/commercials all the time. i know this is probably different from real estate/insurance claim use or something, but where is the line drawn? i'm in post production so I have no idea... I just get the footage on my desk all the time.

so if it was google that made the app you wouldn't have a problem with it? wat? so how does this comment = "it's time to kill google voice?"

sorry, Eric... I have to agree with the hoards coming out with their torches and pitchforks. This article is borderline nonsense. They can absolutely work it in to other tech/apps/networks without killing it off to do so if that's your big beef here. Voice works great, and it's great that it isn't bogged down with

I understand what you're saying but just to back up Orange_Crusader here, the wording of your post absolutely does sound "bot-ish" and reeks of spam. Giving credit and notifying of a link is good form, but Orange is right... your post comes off a little bizarre.

and also, merely by publishing the original text on

also: lol @ telling internet users typos are acceptable on the internet. you're exactly right, it's the internet. get used to people correcting your spelling and grammar and just ignore it/take it in stride like everyone else does.

properly cooking a nice cut ≠ well done

between this one and the singapore sling they seem to have some confusion as to what a "dash" is