sam j

not sure there is any amount of money you could pay me to convince me to stand on an open deck like 1,200' up in the air under a swaying 750 ton hunk of metal. or you know, an even tinier little deck with basically a baby-proof fence around it. those guys have balls the size of watermelons.

neither of your comments makes any sense to me. as an american, or a native english speaker.

i'm just glad you added the "k-" there.

sadly, me too. me too.

this is what we've come to with our collective unconscious, Kelsey. a shirtless pant-sagging bieber parting the rain like some sort of tattooed tween messiah.

or maybe the shirtless part is just my addition. but let's be realistic... that's the shot right there.

"this isn't art because people participate it and it involves technology"

wat? to make this comment requires such a basic misunderstanding of participatory art work, or apparently a complete disregard of that type of work in general. this basically says any installation isn't art.

definitely still use rain shower rigs, and -definitely- still do wetdowns even in non-rain scenes for night shoots (make roads/sidewalks look nice and shiny and reflect the light much better— basically you just dump water all over the streets and sweep it out so there aren't any puddles). I've even seen a couple of

so beautiful, and such an awesome use of tech. to geek out, the potential possibility of making a rolling rig and using it in film/music video work makes for some really cool ideas.

Actually, I do have an affiliation to this site, although you're right, I do not owner Gawker Media.

My affiliation with this site is knowing some of the new york writers outside of the internet (and knowing all these guys get put through the wringer on a daily basis and have pretty thick skin as a result), as well as

not a waste of my time, friendo— it's my employer's. I find it nice respite from my work responding to 24 year old morons, "lawl."
go back to writing asinine comments on jalopnik where you belong. i doubt casey's feelings were hurt. I explained my comment (and my thoughts on commenting in general) in a previous

i think you forgot to expand the [11 day old] thread. there were 7 replies. whoops.
also, I didn't waste any of my time. I made a comment I wanted to make.

You on the other hand seem to be— as scientists say— "butthurt" that you had to spend five minutes trying to sound out my 16 word post just to make what I have

i agreed with your comment 100%. but "proofreading schools" was either a proofreading error or just a confusing sentiment. I figured you probably meant proofreading skills. sportive.

proofreading schools!!!

there is no "good way" to cook a steak well done. also...


zach braff is a walking fail blog. zack baraf is probably even worse.

welcome to the internet, friend.

[deleted, testing out kinja functionality]

related follow-up post by Maggie Lange on sister site Gawker today:


you think the writer with the $50,000 couch isn't going to spend $40 a day on a solar powered cat sitter?

a very large and very vital differentiation!

I hope you find some awesome people to fill the roles. I honestly wish I was at an age where I could do something like this. If giz ever needs film editors for larger projects I'll put my name in that hat in a second— I think I'd be very happy working with you guys.