
Shemales? For serious dude?

You know, Clarkson isn’t wrong. lol

This was a dishonest piece, Jason. You grill Clarkson for his views - but then you go ahead and update it with his second quote - and I do applaud you for doing so - wherein Clarkson does indeed acknowledge there must be small numbers of children who legitimately struggle with their gender identities, and that maybe

Hey, if no one cares about what Clarkson said, why the hell would you write this massive column anyway? “Oh, notice how much I don’t give a shit”. Also, opinions, ever heard of those?

Yet here you are writing about it like there’s no tomorrow.

who’s under the delusion that anyone gives a shit about what he thinks

What’s the big deal? He’s a 55 year old British man who has little to no experience with LGBT rights or issues. He’s allowed to have his own opinions on things, same as anyone else, even if those opinions don’t 100% conform with what you (or anyone) considers to be acceptable.

Wait, so is it considered “progressive” now to advocate for sex changes on ten year olds?

I agree with Clarkson - this transgender thing is getting out of hand. Children don’t have the state of mind to make the decision to have their genitals mutilated.

SO let me see If I have this straight. You cherrypicked the parts of a “both sides of the argument” piece then updated it later......and Clarkson is the bad journalist......

“Dear Jeremy Clarkson: Nobody Gives A Shit What You Think Of Transgender People”

The fact that the last two paragraphs of the article were only added as an EDIT shows the whole goal of this Jalopnik article was to just stir up shit. Either it was willingly not included or it wasn't read all the way through before this got written. Torch, I get enough click bait on Facebook already. If you wanted

Exactly ... leave out the lines that don’t align with the ‘agenda’. FFS

Says the guy that cherry picks lines from an article to make him sound awful. Idiot.


Yeah, but the final 2 paragraphs change everything:

Think you got that wrong, first you say “nobody gives a shit”. Then you start the article “There are people calling on Amazon to fire Jeremy Clarkson” Sounds like the people would be somebody, and the them going as far as calling for him to be fired constitutes giving a shit. Maybe you should change this to “Dear

How is this any different than someone else writing a column for a newspaper expressing their opinion on the matter? I am glad he speaks his mind instead of following the herd like a sheep which exactly what many people are doing nowadays. Go ahead and call me a bigot, I know you will because that’s what this

This is the kind of shit I stay on jalopnik to avoid reading, if you don’t think we care about clarksons opinions why would we want to hear your options on those opinions... Keep it about cars and keep the gawker media bs out of jalopnik, if I wanted to melt my brain with stupidity reading articles like these I'd just

I have a sneaking suspicion the popularity of this article it’s going to prove it’s own headline wrong. It should read “nobody ought to give a shit...”