Sam Imam- Eli

First your "logic" is invalid because it's biased. And, in fact, using the homosexual movement logic Mormons SHOULD be able to practice bigamy because the people involved are consenting adults correct? SO, who are you, any other person, or the government to declare who someone can love or how many people they can

Actually, using the homosexual movement logic Mormons SHOULD be able to practice bigamy because the people involved are consenting adults correct? SO, who are you, any other person, or the government to declare who someone can love or how many people they can love in marriage? Who are you to say what consenting

Uh, FYI, there is a constitutional requirement to accomodate religious freedoms, there is NOT a constitutional requirement to accomodate gay marriage. Move along now, people who can formulate an independent thought are busy with making money to pay taxes that support your assistance programs.

Ignorance abounds from low info people like yourself. Religious freedoms are valid and more important than the accomodations necessary for homosexuals to feel good about themselves. To infringe on the right of free expression and association to accomodate a small percentage of people who are simply pre-disposed to

LOL! Ignorance abounds from low info people like yourself. Religious freedoms are valid and more important than the accomodations necessary for homosexuals to feel good about themselves. To infringe on the right of free expression and association to accomodate a small percentage of people who are simply

Oh how witty you are. The only people wishing to rape children are the homosexual - pedophile community. Move along little boy, adults are speaking here not dolts.

You are a moron.

Hey if you are ignorant enough to piss away your liberties and freedoms so be it. But remember, one day "the state" as you say, may no longer be on your side then what are you going to do? The Marxists knew the first people to kill when they took power were those idiots who enabled them to achieve power. You seem

LOL! You call conservatives ignorant? Really?! Are you sure you want to go down that path? The only ignorant people are the ones who not only voted for Obama once but TWICE! That's just good ole fashioned STUPID!

Hardly, freedom loving people have donated over $250,000 to support Memories Pizza to show that fascism and totalitarianism is NEVER acceptable even if perpetrated by the self proclaimed tolerant liberal left.