
There is but one answer:


Don’t go hungry, go Hungary!

The three have a weekly meeting where they chat about their bosses. It’s called “Watson the Agenda”.

I know you plan on dying on this stupid fucking hill. She didn’t “attack a woman for her physical appearance.” Not even remotely. To continue to mischaracterize the joke is some gaslighting bullshit. You’re lying. You’re wrong.

I don’t disagree that the press is manipulative and hyperbolic...although I think there’s an interesting discussion to be had about how everyone getting used to getting news for free and no longer being willing to pay for it has led to that business model, but that’s a digression.


Two things:

Cool take.

You are wrong.

History proves you wrong.

Even an unbiased perusal of the last 20 years of politics flushes your entire point down the toilet. Republican heels (I don’t think they’re looking to cure the sick and lame as your typo suggests) have been shoved in the mud since Limbaugh first got on a mic in the

Not attacking those things, but recognizing that someone with the privileges of being wealthy and powerful is not going to be harmed by jokes. And let’s be clear here, talking about how she makes eyeliner out of lies does not constitute joking about her physical appearance, so fuck off with that.


Mick might be my favorite character on this whole show, and that really says something considering how awesome Sara is.

She’s on my side of the thin blue line, so yes, she is my sister in that way.

I found the race paper:

“Your writing would make great Toilet Paper...”

And there her backstory. She was in horrific car accident, was wheelchair-bound, gained lot of weight from not being able to walk, and then through sheer willpower re-learned how to walk, got back into shape, and became most beautiful woman in entire world. And then became charming, hilarious actress on first attempt.

They could do a Z book, but not as one of the series. Instead nonfiction: perhaps a biography of the author with a retrospective of the 25 books in the series.

You remember puffins? They are back! In Porg-form.

Ok, ok. We get it. You’re still into a thing that should’ve been over by the late 90's, you feel the FBI is out to get you & your leaders, and you’re probably sticky to the touch. But why did you have to schedule your rally the same weekend as the Juggalos?