I am going to be very, very angry when this turns our to be an ad campaign for something like "redesigned and re-envisioned Toyotas", or "Kia: Increasing faster in build quality, but still cheap.
I am going to be very, very angry when this turns our to be an ad campaign for something like "redesigned and re-envisioned Toyotas", or "Kia: Increasing faster in build quality, but still cheap.
The only way that this could be a win for me is if the space in front of the driver is empty, and to perform engine maintenance, you need to open the rear hatch.
@Eggwich McSpencer: Let the epic trolling continue across the land!
@Eggwich McSpencer: White Castle is the CORRECT answer! You win a heart click!
@Eggwich McSpencer: I would also argue that the greatest troll is performed by someone who wasn't aware they were trolling. The self-unaware troll is the greatest troll.
@Roberto G.: You're either jealous because you want a Miata, or ignorant because you've never driven one.
Your ability to polarize the Jalopnik community is profound. Part of me completely agrees with your article, while another part wants to run screaming in terror.
@Smitty: Thanks for the imagery. I just ate.
@Ray Wert: Well, the Gawker wording says resident, not citizen.
@IFTNFS: Wow! Thanks for the hall of fame nominating!
@MushyHeirloom: Thanks!
@BullittFan_Fords4Life: Nibbles!
@mantaTM: Oh man, I know where I'll be spending the next few hours.
@KeyserSöze: Lol, thank you! I almost made in into an improv comedy troupe, but I was under 18 at the time. Then I moved, and lost that outlet.
@IN THE FACE!: If you'd like to, send me a private message. I'll get you my actual name and contact info.
@darthchurro: I second this motion.
@yoda2: Not only that, but I've noticed a few Canadians as well. I suppose we should have printed "Open to US residents 18 and older" in French as well.
I'm really disappointed to hear this. It would have been an Jimmy Hoffa type story of he just up and disappeared, only to be found living in an apartment in Wyoming. I'm glad that his family (and for that matter, the rest of the world) have quasi-closure as to what happened.
@Gimmi Mørgäikkönën: Eww. Jaime Pressley on my Mercedes. GETITOFFGETIFOFF!