
Aside from Pac-Man Championship Edition DX. :)

Stupid Kinja.

Spelunky is great for controller passing. It's got great pucker-factor watching your friend dodge trap after trap just to eat it in the end

It may be a single player Pac-Man game, but Championship Edition DX is still a blast to share with a friend. Switch off games and see who can get the highest score, the biggest chain of ghosts, and the most ridiculous bonuses. And don't forget to dance to the music.

I was probably around that level or lower when I ran my druid from Kelethin to Surefall Glade. I used only the included map from the game box to navigate. At that time, I had no idea what an insane undertaking it was but it ranks among my fondest MMO moments. That was true adventure.

I don't think it lies at the feet of any one individual. I like Totilo's writing. I think that moderation, stealing a Riot term here, doesn't do enough to manage 'toxic' posting. There are plenty of forums (and other gaming sites *hint*) that I have chosen to frequent instead that do not tolerate such behavior.

It didn't used to be so. Unfortunately... here we are.

What great news. Surely they will have time now to make sure GFWL is removed from Dark Souls PC.

I see, "Highlight this article title and search Google because WSJ is pay-walled trash".

I'm just gonna leave this right here.

No, I'm not. I'm saying that the written word itself is irreverent. The spoken word, and the impression derived from it, is what is important for loan-words. To a non-native speaker the differences between pan and pão are indistinguishable. It's absorption into the language (Japanese) happened organically from hearing

Now with Planetside TR armor!

If Football—that is, the American National Football League football—used the same naming scheme as "Dungeons & Dragons," we'd call it "Beer Commercials & Cheerleaders."

Use them to host Xbox Live.

I guess I was unaware that the Xbox One played bluray. I suppose I assumed with all the other oversights they made this would be another. Carry on. :P

Microsoft will give you $100 credit if you trade in your Playstation 3 at one of their retail stores.

But isn't noodle 'nudel' in German?

"Are you saying the Spanish word for "bread" ("pan") is actually Japanese? That's very interesting!"

Amazon has kicked off their holiday game sale with a massive flood of digital game deals. You'll find a huge list of all the best deals in the PC and Mac sections below, but here are a few highlights. If you don't see what you're looking for, they have 111 pages of digital deals you're welcome to browse as well. If

I really enjoyed seeing their (Troy Baker and Courtnee Draper) rapport over several of the behind the scenes clips. I think that the convergence of the story/writing and the actors chosen was simply perfect.