Sam Haine

My application to SNL is in the mail.

The AV Club

Nicely illustrating the point that some things are better off left not fully explained. In the first movie the Immortals have to fight. They don't know why, we don't know why. They just do. I doubt the lack of explanation made the film less enjoyable for many people.

Let's hope this goes down better than MTV's "Dear White Guys" video.

"The French experiment was - how can I put it? - entirely *French* in conception and execution and therefore a total disaster."

One of the very few good new ideas in the Terminator TV series was Summer Glau as a Terminator. An actor as physically unlike Arnold as possible (except for also being a great physical actor) playing a character as unlike Arnold's as possible (programmed to blend in as a teenage girl in high school). Although often



I'll buy that for a dollar.

This show would be so much better if through the magic of make up President Bauer could be given the run around by seventy-something Philip and Elizabeth Jennings.

I'm the same. If a film or TV show is boring I start picking nits that I would totally ignore if I was enjoying it.

As a Briton, I'd just like to say: would you like us to come back?

But will it be anywhere near as good as the haunting, excellent White Tiger?

Where! Are! My! Detonators!?

Maybe because the first one builds the tension by restricting all the action to one building whereas the third one loses the tension somewhat by sprawling all over New York. Jeremy Irons does chew exactly the right amount of scenery though.

H R Giger, isn't it?

It's true, Shane Black is the first one to die in Predator.

Indeed. Jodorowsky has Leto castrated by a bull for starters.

No, he just has extremely severe PTSD. There's a bit in one of the books (I forget which, but early on in him being Batman) when he has a flicker of insight into what a complete mess he is and how becoming Batman hasn't been cathartic, it's made him worse. He's depressed by this and then decides the only way forward

You're absolutely right. In a commentary to one of the episodes he wrote, Russell T Davies talked about the "rules" of Doctor Who. These are not the rules of the internal continuity on the show, but dramatic rules that make the stories work. Example: The Doctor doesn't have a remote control for his TARDIS - not