Sam Haine



"I read about a man sent to advise a US Army Airborne unit on their upcoming deployment to Vietnam."

I'm tellin' ya baby, they kicked your little ass there. Boy, they whooped yer hide REAL GOOD.

They could be high-functioning alcoholics similar to Denzil Washington in 'Flight'.

The key word there is humorously. The trend now seems to be "mechanically."

"He was looking absurdly burnt out and disheveled and deadened at the end of Season 3."

Indeed. A lesser show would have killed Martha one of half a dozen ways before now. This show wrings the maximum amount of dramatic tension out of every situation.

In Lois & Clark, Martha Kent comments that with pants that tight, no-one will be looking at Superman's face.

It is. Hiddleston gives a suitably alienating performance.

Isn't the only suitable ending for Mulder to be abducted?

Isn't it Michael Myers who kills the pot-smoking, premarital sex-having teens while the responsible babysitting teen survives? Like a Brothers Grimm fairy tale to frighten children into not being naughty.

Exactly. She's stealing the files: Stan doesn't notice in his dream but subconsciously he knows.

The kills that bother Philip the most are definitely the ones that wouldn't be necessary if someone else hadn't screwed up. Navy SEALS are enemy combatants who would do the same to him in a moment, but the hapless computer science student and the airport security guy could have lived if other people had done their

Although "Jared kills parents" makes sense as an idea in a story outline, the denouement where Jared laboriously explains the whole thing while coughing up blood was definitely not well executed. Especially when Claudia explains it later anyway and wraps it up with a dramatically satisfying coda. All Jared needed to

"Whereas with Cap, he just doesn't trust power full stop."

And Cocaine Nights after that. After I read the description of Gibraltar: "its vague air of a provincial England left out too long in the sun", I knew I had to visit!

Richard Linklater was the right director and Keanu Reeves the right actor for that particular slice of PKD california.

Hugh Laurie and Tom Hiddleston put in very strong performances, but as you say the script they have to work with is pretty weak. The direction really SPELLS. THINGS. OUT. and the director seems to think that close ups of people's eyeballs are inherently interesting.

The Night Manager has some very strong performances from Hugh Laurie and Tom Hiddleston, but the script they have to work with is pretty thin and the direction really SPELLS. THINGS. OUT. It received rave reviews though.