
What brainless douchebag would pay $97k for a Camaro????

So funny that you idiots attack Musk every day - he earns more in 1 day than you’ll earn in your entire working career.

No one wants a faggy Porsche ‘hybrid’ or ‘EV’.

If a woman gets out of her car like that she gets what she gets.

Yet this same publication has no problem with women killing baby humans.  Go figure.

Still hyping that climate change bullshit, huh?

Rickety plastic piece of crap.

Such a garbage article.

Yeah businesses have fraud insurance, dork.

Did he lie on his credit app????????

Looks like it smells.  And it has like 130 horsepower.

Wow - 2 articles on this shitbox. Someone getting paid!

You sure the car wasn’t African American?

“DMV tells 77 year old illegal immigrant that he is in fact an American and gives him a driver’s license.”

I get this - the author is going to use this outlier to then make the argument that immigration criminals who also work and pay taxes should also be given driver’s license (and then also vote presumably).  The response?  FUCK OFF WITH THIS.

The wheels make you look like a homo.

WOW - some asshole article about smuggling fireworks across State lines while each month we have half a million illegals being smuggled across the border.

People are such fucking pussies now.

Small and ugly.

So he lied on all his application forms.  Tell him to fly down to Mexico and come over the southern border - they’ll give you a new d/l before you know it.  And a free hotel room, a free phone, free food, free transportation and free spending money.