
Can’t see you ever defending your country.  You’re too evolved for that kind of thing, right?

Quite the opposite stupid - that’s how people who enjoy sharing a country together affirm their group status.  Feel free to leave.

Not to people who are patriotic, loser.


Really? Seems like there’s a lot more explosions from the “urban folk”.  And crime, and drugs, and drivebys, and carjackings, and smash and grabs, etc.

Same rules for smuggling anything stupid.

Like that corpse can drive.

Love how liberals trout out the “across State lines” bullshit when they’re trying to gin something up.

Wow - trucks can’t float???!!??  They Hell You Say!  Stop the Presses!!!

Yes, you do. You told him to get fucked just because he has money. Mind your own business, asshole. Watch your own empty pocket.

You sound like jealous assholes.

Isn’t that pretty fucking obvious?

OR this dude comes over to your house when some crazy antifa asshole is killing your family and saves your cuck ass.

How ironic if the shooter bought the gun and ammo from WalMart!

He looks gay.

Wow - talk about not knowing your customers.

Taxpayers subsidizing this bullshit.

My Gen 1 Boxster would fuck that Miata up the ass.

The Volkswagen Phaeton was the best car ever built.

Motorweek is boring formulaic show that should have been canceled 15 years ago.