
Should have stayed like that. Modern women are fucking crazy. Let them fight wars for a few generations and earn it like men did.

Fiery and Furious

Black man killing white people.  How unusual.

Really?  Because all the battery components are mined in China by children.

SIMPLE.  No one wants electric cars.

Staying a few feet back from the intersection would save dozens of lives each year by staying out of intersection collisions better.

Knives out for the Dem slob from Pennsylvania.

“honoring” father’s day?  Fathers are under constant attack in this country.  They also have no say in whether the mother kills his child.

The right thing is killing the Earth and kicking it in the balls?

Is it worth the climate impact just to get a bunch of silly girls to a concert?

Why does the presenter look like a Gay Bear?

It’s not a CIVIL offense douchetard.

Great - let’s watch a Porsche or Ferrari LM car race some blue haired old lady’s grocery getter Cadillac.

NEWSFLASH:  Your car will be faster with less gas in it.

I can think of a place you could put it.

It’s called a Corvette.

NO, we need to stop all construction immediately as Trump will roll back EV crap Day 1.

It was intentionally blown up, douchetards.

Like anyone cares dude.

Just sell them at the border  - that’s where all the wetbacks are.