Garbage article.
Garbage article.
Where’s all the Musk articles, fags?
Hang an “I’m a fag” sign on the door, maybe that’ll work.
If the car takes it up the tailpipe, it’s a fag car.
At current money market interest rates, homeboy could be earning $50k/yr just on the interest from the money tied up in this POS.
They ran over a cop - so what??? LOL.
The Cadillac is a cheap plastic POS.
The knives are out for Lurch.
MUSK WON!!! And now all the anti-Musk hit pieces have disappeared from this sorry rag. Losers!
This guy looks like a muppet hobo.
So it was a spook?
The AI must have screwed up.
No it isn’t. Stay in your lane.
Businesses don’t pay fines - consumers do.
More Government.
Good thing Judge Booty has only built 7 of them!!!
Get a life, creep.
So says the rag being sued to oblivion by a 9 year old.
Why don’t you assholes mind your own fucking business? There are plenty more 9 years olds to slander if you don’t have enough to do.