YES! And now time to start planning Trump’s Presidential Library in NYC. I wonder if he’ll get two of them??
YES! And now time to start planning Trump’s Presidential Library in NYC. I wonder if he’ll get two of them??
It’s sonnenbeige you troglodyte.
So sick of these ignorant articles and comments about Phaetons. I owned one for 15 years and put 185,000 miles + on mine. It’s a very reliable car, and no more difficult to work on than an Audi A-8. The W12 is mechanically the same (without turbos) as the Bentley W12, so any shop that can work on modern Bentleys…
As the owner of 2 Porsches, I am qualified to say that this is a horrid little shitbox that no one will want.
This law was passed to get out in front of the climate lunatics who may try and modify our atmosphere to combat ‘climate change’.
LOL - did he get sued to Pluto by some 9 year old!! LOL.
“Americana” is White Supremacist and celebrates past times when minorities were enslaved by the whities.
So funny that climate hoaxers fail to applaud the elimination of airborne chemicals. Too busy figuring out ways to lionize tranny weirdos I guess.
OMG what suckers!!!! No wonder stupid people are poor.
It’s called an INVESTMENT dimwits.
Just wait and see what we do when we have the Presidency and Congress back.
WOW another Musk hit piece from the hipsters about to be put out of work by a 9 year old.
Sure, I always seek out some website writer when researching maritime and admiralty law.
It is a myth douchetard - climate is cyclic. That’s why the glacier that covered Chicago 15,000 years ago is no longer there.
OR, you’re an anonymous cowardly piece of shit insulting the DaVinci of our time.
In the Biden economy that’s a hoagie!
The Biden crime family are all felons and they seem to be doing fine.
No one wants electric cars. Heavy metal mines are staffed by children. Heavy metal mines poison the planet. The Chinese own 95% of the rare earth metals necessary for EV car production. This is FUCKING stupid.
Save your money - no one goes to see movies anymore because woke crap.
Of course he was black - he was stealing.