
To be dead by 14. the kid BLACK???

Get a life, cuck.

They use a HELL of a lot more SLAVE LABOR!  Go China!

Why don’t they just open their borders and let 10M North Koreans stream over???

It’ll be OK - the faggy ex-Mayor of South Bend, IN is in charge!

Demokkkrats keep voters through bribes and intimidation.  Repubs win them with ideas and performance.

Let’s give the nuclear codes to #dementiahitler.

The Demokkkrats put Americans in jail for questioning election results.

Really?? You sound like a deranged fascistic lunatic.

So blackety black black black black.

Fuck this shit - just call the AAA tow monkeys.

Better than some shitbox GM, Ford or Chrysler product.

Is the crane built as well as the bridge was?

Obama was so great - especially how he somehow made himself a billionaire by earning $400k for a few years.

Liberal cucks - the COVID virus, which Trumps’ Warp Speed program CURED, is/was far less deadly than the flu, especially for children. And yeah immigration criminal fugitives are unfortunately all over our country.

Buyer sounds like a dick.

They should all get bodyguards from left-wing lunatics like the one who recently tried to kill Kavanaugh.

They are completely voluntary stock transactions.  If you don’t like it don’t buy it.

Good new is they won’t have any revenues to mismanage soon.