
Man, you went from “I understand what you’re saying” to being willfully ignorant about this situation and deliberately reductive of my take.

the leaps in logic”

He isn’t out there advocating for anything terrible, and he’s definitely a person who would not stand for actual harm being done to anyone.

So, I’m trapped in my own room, with more legroom than I would have at my seat. I can lean up against the wall and rest my head to catch a nap. I don’t have to talk to anybody or deal with my neighbour’s eccentricities. I’ll have my phone and my wireless earbuds because I don’t leave anything portable at my seat when

When the executives behind the games I play choose to employ technology that degrades the experience, steals from artists, devalues human expression, and is purely designed as an excuse to lay off the employees that actually make the games... it does massively impact my experience.

I’m painting a target against myself here with this critique, but whatever... I’ll just put my personal opinion here, sorry if I offend someone, it’s not the intention.

Sounds like a convenient smokescreen to distract from the fact that Foamstars was recently exposed for using AI art.

It’s their whole model. It made sense to get the team up and running but at some point you have to move on from having critical operations spread across 3 countries and a network of external partners

Steiner’s not the problem at Haas, it’s their perpetually shit car. Until they build a decent car, nothing’s gonna change.

“We can’t be silent. If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor.” — Archbishop Desmond Tutu

I heard someone say a similar thing about Kaepernick kneeling. “Why doesn’t he do that on his own time?” If your goal is to make some sort of point, it’s best to do it when there’s exposure, as opposed to say standing on a street corner.

Gibberish is fine. I'll worry when it starts communicating through a bald woman in a short robe.

I’ve never seen a mugshot of a guy more named “Cody” than this.

Wood says he doesn’t ‘believe diversity to be the paramount priority [anymore].’

Hell, coulda been a short in the ejection seat that caused it to go off. My question is what were the other planes in the flight doing that no one could follow the jet? Was there no AWACS in the area coordinating the training flight?

(Admittedly, somewhat cynical) translation: I got my bag, and the longer this remains available for purchase, the more liable I am for the obvious and blatant copyright infringement the game made its fortune on.

Which, to be clear, I don’t really begrudge. I doubt this dude thought this game would ever have the

“Mr. Trump, this is your final, final, final, final, final, final, final, final, *FINAL* warning. Don’t make me get serious!”

Then treat the sociopath like anyone else: throw his ass in jail for violating the terms of his arraignment bond.

This is exactly it - the problem with the question is that subconsciously or otherwise, it’s attempting to establish that one person is not really American, or is a late-comer or something along those lines. You see it even more frequently with people that appear to be Asian/East Asian/Middle-eastern. The conversation