
My gut would say you MIGHT be able to recoup cost through lowering traffic and preserving throughput -but 400gb connections are starting to roll out more this year so that math probably doesn’’t work without a LOT more spam calls.

Any atty will see this as a bullshit lawsuit from the jump because she’s seeking specific performance as part of the judgment. It is REALLY REALLY hard to have a judge issue an order forcing someone (especially a non-governmental employer) to act in a specific manner. That’s why we award money because you can’t really

Or you’re just a shithead.

There are a ton of apps that will do most of the heavy lifting for you now.  I used to sell one that would do all the paperwork and filing for massive companies moving tons of freight around the planet.  It only “sucks” for the 99% of the people who don’t need a dedicated solution, but will still face harsh penalties

colonialism. England kinda went in and did an erasure of national identity.

But also possibly because English is the “official” language of aviation and pilots have to have some proficiency.

I’m about to fly from DFW to London and being trapped in a bathroom sounds better than being stuck in a seat - even if it’s the coach plus deal on an exit row.

Is there one of these that can just pick up pet hair every day that isn’t an arm and a leg? I looked at Roombas and the one it suggested for my needs was like $500 and that just seems like overkill.  There’s not a $200 version?

I’ve noticed half the time when we order pizza from Pizza Hut or Papa Johns here in DFW it’s delivered by a doordash driver.  I think it’s been 3-4 years since I saw an actual Papa Johns delivery car.  So even in states where people aren’t being treated like humans businesses have already done the math that it’s

Also man, you came into this with what appears from your writing to be a really negative attitude toward others.  Lighten up man, we’re getting to talk with people all over the world without leaving our homes - be nice.

Buc-ees is owned by a right-wing nutjob who helped make Texas the hellscape for everyone but cis white dudes. There’s a reason all the “Trump trains” and convoys meet up at bucees and it’s not the clean bathrooms. It’s because they can do things like assault counter-protesters and regular people and not really face

I wanted one of these when I saw it in the Barbie movie - and then I found out it was a Blazer and all I could think of was how shitty Blazers were in the 90s and now I don’t think I could pay money for one.  If they called it anything else it’d probably be our family’s next vehicle...but a fucking Chevy Blazer?

it’s not gone, but they may need to “reset” the general store by asking to shop there.  That’ll repop the puddle if it’s been 24 hours (in game, or maybe only 6?)

Without actual info it’s hard to say, but this kind of stuff happens. I know it happened with a harrier back in the day and I feel like there was a case where one just landed in a field? Like crashed obviously, but did so in such a way that they were able to fly it again eventually?

Hell, coulda been a short in the

Then I really hope nothing bad ever happens to you because you made a dumb choice. Clearly this dude is a huge piece of shit and that should be evident from miles away - but that doesn’t make it ok that he scammed people out of their money. Yes, they should’ve been smarter - but people make mistakes.

However, despite

If you think wages have kept up with corporate greed caused inflation I’ve got a really nice bridge to sell you.

Not if you piss off a ton of Star Trek people by killing a show and taking it completely down.  I only watched the first few episodes of Prodigy - it wasn’t my bag - but if you think I’m not ready to start some shit because you took down a Star Trek show?  I will NRA this shit and an attack on one of our shows is an

So in Florida yelling slurs and obscenities at children isn’t evidence of “hatred, spite, ill will, or evil intent.”  But heaven fucking forbid a gay person gets to admit who they are.

This isn’t sponcon?

And it’s usually a bigot because no one who is actually rational thinks free speech should be ABSOLUTE.  No one wants people randomly yelling fire in a theatre or other insane safety issues.

So it’s been over 10 years since I got out of the car sales business - but when I was a sales manager the entire Sonic Automotive company did this.  This was during their experiment with no-haggle used-car sales.  You know, when they said they used a computer algorithm to calculate prices that were guaranteed to be