Sam Foster

I would like an explainer on why people insist on making 4 minute long videos to describe what can be written down in a couple of lines.

Previously straight male checking in with a “yep, I’d do him.”


Is citizen of the globe his euphemism for his sexuality?

The director, actor, etc. responsible for this mustache choice certainly have an interesting perspective on what’s a good look.

If it walks like a fascist, talks like a fascist, and acts like a fascist.

Except that in his particular distorted view of the sky god’s fables, the destruction of the world and roughly six billion people is required to make him feel good. So, that level of hatred? Bigot.

Mumble mumble, incoherent rambling, mumble mumble, I hate being popular *kablam*

Yes, absolutely, everyone outside of Boston LOVES calling them the ‘Tics. or TicBoys. Yes, yes, more, more!

Do it again, make their ears bleed.


That hair just screams pedo/rapist/something else evil doesn’t it?

Nothing unless one is a fascist.

Obviously not. Stop asking questions that have self-evident answers.

Burn, heretic, burn! Hind Site. *laugh snort*

Who hurt you? Do we need to get the doll so you can show us where the bad man touched you?

Order from a place that lets you send a link to participants to either accept a default or place their own order for delivery with the group. Works like a charm!

Wait? President Fuckstick isn’t even going to attend? FFS.
