Sam Foster

Doesn’t this mean that unless you pack double the stuff the best case scenario is you are each half-screwed?

I chose Jeebus because of the self-absorbedness of your comment. Don’t besmirch Pele with your shenanigans.

Ah yes, the Nazi prison guard excuse. Excellent choice!

You say that like it would be a bad thing?

I think what is different is that the white assholes making these calls feel more empowered to make these calls. It has always happened but now there’s a sense of impunity. I fully believe that there is a surge in racist/misogynistic because the fearful white backlash to Obama embodied by donnie and his ilk feel like

Who doesn’t? No way that’d be news.

But she looked like a demon and had tremendous strength as if on PCP and the cop was afraid for his life. Keep up, the guy who teaches the class on how cops should lie after incidents might be in your area soon.

“Diverse”? That’s racist.

The only people in California who can afford houses are rich so not really sure why the complaint is about solar making out of reach prices slightly more out of reach?

Yes. Seeing it for Glover and hoping for the best.

Went to a D-backs game last year, park was nice, comparable to the Giants park in SF.

Mulaney explicitly references the TV show and video tapes of the show in the bit.

She was not or at least she hid them. Her turn to Fox News was somewhat surprising.

Love it. I support this restaurant owners absolutely legal right to set a policy for the betterment of other guests.

So what? AND Fuck her.

Oh thank god your vacation plans weren’t impacted. Praise Jeebus.

Ruggiero. Cause somehow the descendants of Italians have forgotten that as recently as 100 years ago they were considered sub-human especially if they were from southern Italy or Sicily. Maybe should try and remember that before aligning with or taking on the attitude of people that would return you to the ethnic

Yeah, you should definitely get a puppy if you have trouble focusing on things.

Why do you keep inviting “Shmoe”? I mean civility is one thing but after a certain point fuck him, right?