Still less than they paid Bobby Bonilla on September 19.
Still less than they paid Bobby Bonilla on September 19.
I’m going to pretty much cut and paste my rant from yesterday.
Too bad the rest of the footage from that game is an illegal snuff film
I’d love to see this play with commentary by Richard Attenborough:
I think the idea here is that the height differences don’t necessarily reflect the fact that they wore shoes before but didn’t wear them this time, so much as they reflect the fact that the previous official height listings were bullshit. What I am saying is, I think these ones also are bullshit.
This is actually a pretty common thing among very tall NBA players, and one that has been written about in WaPo and elsewhere. Durant doesn’t want to be a seven footer, and neither did Kevin Garnett and several others. Broadly, seems like the story is that they’re people who felt insecure about being taller than…
Charles Davis was on The Fan 590 in Toronto this morning saying that he thinks Andy Reid might sign Kaepernick and used Reid signing Vick after the dog fighting as a comparison.
Still suffering major knee damage? Colin Kaepernick.
as a Chiefs fan.. thats really optimistic.
“Man, fuck that guy”
Russell Wilson?
Thursday Night Football is ruining the sport.
Username and profile picture checks out.
Fuck Thursday Night Football and goddamn everything right now!!!
Are there going to be any good QBs left in the league?
Good on you, Drew, for giving Benoit credit where it’s due. (I swear I didn’t mean to make all those rhymes. Now I feel like a chud.)
Well he Belichick kind of admitted that, while he may not have intentionally lied, he did go back on what he told Thomas:
The Patriots can ship Jesus Christ himself over to the Jets with high confidence the Jets will wear him out, fuck him over and leave him demoralized enough to go back to Heaven with his tail between his legs before you can say “Easter.”
I don’t believe any of this.