
Day three and I'm still filled with joy when this comes up for the day.

If your name is Kane and you play hockey, you must get into trouble in Buffalo? Like there's anything different to do in Buffalo, I guess.

Agreed. I also have a theory that people who don’t drink before they are 21 never learn to drink shitty beer. Like, do I actively seek out Busch Light? No, but it tastes like memories and I still enjoy them on the beach or outside doing something because it's basically a water substitute. Adults who didn’t binge drink

Yes! My parents did this to me too with some Polish liquor I can't spell. It was awful but I pretended that I liked it.

I was reading really fast and thought her Twitter handle was PensHockeyPeen. I wonder if that one is taken.

That was a real graphic on ESPN?! Christ. I don't think they even spelled Adriana correctly either.

Not sure if this is truly it, but for some reason I clearly remember the Super Bowl where the Redskins beat the Broncos. 1987ish? I don’t like either of those teams. I just remember getting to eat chili in the basement and seeing the Broncos flags at the beginning of the game and my parents trying to explain to me why

I’m actually kind of glad. I thought the whole thing was a (not funny) joke and that they were making fun of him.

Yeah, I'm kind of sad about it, but mainly just glad Bickell is gone. Possibly did a dance around my desk.

Who is Greg? I thought he was Brad? I'm drooling over this man so I'm going to need his name. Also, Zika is bad. Do not blame these people for their concerns.

I live in suburban Chicago and I swear every October is Asian beetle takeover month. They're fucking everywhere. I hate them.

And Sheary! I don’t know why I think that’s so fun but I repeat it almost anytime an announcer says it.

All the stars.

I don’t get them often, but if I do, it is almost always after I have eaten a big meal. I tend to cough after I eat meals as well and have always assumed these are somehow related but have never known why.

My two-year-old is pumped. She thinks sharks are awesome and I think she might actually think there are sharks playing hockey. If the Penguins win tonight, her mind will probably explode with the problem of choosing which sea creature to root for.

I was thinking about that too. I fly Southwest all the time and always check a bag (I am a terrible over packer and am usually visiting two different climates in one trip) and I think my bag has been delayed twice. Both times the bag was delivered within hours without much trouble. I'll take that over paying for it

Agreed. They definitely are in need of some fresh blood because the drop off after Keith, Seabrook and Hjalmarrson makes me nervous.

Couldn't have said it better.

You were ten?! Now I just feel old.

This is adorable. That is all.