Season one is on Netflix :)
Season one is on Netflix :)
I am a HUGE feminist and didn’t think that all. I actually found the advisor a bad example of feminism, dismissing certain very valid forms of literature and types of woman (like her “bored housewives” comment, that really irked me). She made a great point about the Bechdel test though.
Thank you. Jane and Michael are one of the most emotionally healthy relaionships on television. Raf is an emotionally abusive dick who can screw off with his money.
This tidbit actually totally refutes the Michael dies theory. If they kill him off, which would not be in keeping with the tone of the show AT ALL, Jane would be devastated and not have sex any time soon. #TeamMicheal :)
I thought you guys would be amused to know that John Green actually filled this generator and was greatly amused by it (and actually really liked the generated novel name it gave him)