
Boy, dude, The AV Club is an, uh, interesting place to be getting haircut advice… but yeah, I mean, if you like the haircut, I'd say go for it; it'll grow back if it looks bad on you…

Huh, I thought YouTube compressed the dynamic range to crap levels automatically… I guess I don't really understand how all that works.

Well, I typed up a rebuttal to this post, but it's basically what this guy just said, so, uh…. Yeah, what this guy just said! I second this motion.

I agree with your first point and strongly disagree with your other two points! Unfortunately, there is not yet a combination upvote-downvote button.

Yeah, that Drybones mix was great. There was also Mashup-Germany's, which got a lot of buzz; he already has his new one for this year:…

"When I watch a mashup of different thing, I'm not looking for a narrative (even less so then when I'm listening to music)"

I like Earworm more, though, because his lyrics form a narrative, while Danthology is literally just "here are snippets from all these songs which I've mixed together well…" although this years' has at least somewhat of a narrative and is, I agree, better-sounding on a technical level, you have to consider degree of

I don't think what you're hearing is autotune (pitch shifting maybe, but his shifting job is IMO pretty subtle and well-done), the iffyness, which I hear too, is just that no acapella leaked for that track, so he had to manually isolate vocals, which is REALLY hard to do. I agree that he could've taken some more time

Wait, so if rankings are worthless, what you're suggesting is, what, a list of comedy specials? But then, how long do you make the list? If you make it five entries long, you will include five specific entries, whereas if you make it ten entries long, you will include those five and five more. "ranking" is EMBEDDED in

It seems to be one of the more divisive: If you liked it (I did), you really liked it, but just scrolling through these comments it has a lot of hate too.

Well, now you stlll have lots of rankings, and a lot less choice by the writers about how to rank things. I fail to see how the change is good.

Did she have a new album this year??

Well, I guess TNT didn't want to play Mob City… on a normal schedule!

I'm gonna go with "as many christmases as Michael Schur has years to devote to it and only it, and not a single christmas more."

Hi AV club! Not sure if you're aware, but the 2 other articles you just posted (fear of a punk decade & Americans mixtape) are not currently loading a comments section. I'm commenting here in hopes you'll read it, and because I can't find the tech support email on the redesign.

While I'm disappointed you abandoned the more complex points system (it had such good internal logic and allowed for way more voting freedom! Don't dumb yourselves down; the complexity is something the AV regulars love and the newcomers/occasionals don't care about!), this is a good list with some really excellent

We'll have a top 20 tv shows list! With a complicated points system! And no disqus! Matter of fact, forget the TV shows list! And the points system!

Any chance this'll get regular coverage? I gotta say, I was surprised both by how good this is, and how vastly unlike both Community and Harmon's Channel 101 stuff it was. His voice is still in it, but it feels totally unique, in a good way. I think regular coverage, especially under a writer like Sims or Zach Handlen

I bought this awesome Kickstarter comics-subscription thing, and since it's struggling to meet its goal, you totally should too! It's really neat; click through and give it a look:…

*salivates rapidly*