
“What if Commander Riker were a 90s tv mom?”

Clowns never laughed before; beanstalks never grew; ponies never ran before...

The worst P&R season (by FAR) was the first.

Robin Hood was my first cartoon crush. That was one foxy fox.

It’s just milk dude. Racist guy figured it out

Stick to criticizing both of their shitty policies, but sometimes on here the bully writing can be a little sophomoric.

Anything he does is just fine as long as it pisses off “liberals” and “leftists.” Whoever they are. They never actually explain that part.

Good on her. I don’t know why people have such a hard time admitting to their internalized -isms. I often admit to being sexist, racist and homophobic and people look at me like I’m insane, but the truth of the matter is that most of us are a little bit, and the best way to improve is to be honest with yourself. Being

Is this a joke? Especially that last one? You know for some people that can actually prove fatal? I don’t love police officers, and in how our society works I’m at a net disadvantage when I deal with them, so the last thing I want to do is provoke a police officer. It goes against everything I and other activists

Ah. Well, in that case, symbols often come to have meanings far removed from their historical origin--and the adoption of the Guy Fawkes mask by organizations (loose though it be) like Anonymous may not have anything at all to do with support for the historical individual (Fawkes). The mask has come to represent a

Yeah, but just protesting and caring about the issue at hand is SOOOOO BORING.

It occurs to me that deliberately attempting to provoke LEOs might not be the best of all possible ideas (the “clown cops” suggestion). While responding with force to simple mockery would be an absolutely outrageous abuse of power on the part of any guilty LEO, the fact is that most protests are already emotionally

Gita, thank you for this--and particularly for taking the time to collect opinions from the broader fanbase.

I personally find what Jontron had to say during the “debate” (if such it can be called with a straight face) absolutely repugnant, on both a (personal) moral level, and as someone who is reasonably well-versed

I can’t help but see Main Lady as the Lady from Team America.

I’d like to point out the second tweet he sent this morning, the one that seems unrelated to the rest of his manic episode:

Them not writing about the administration in the same tones as Jezebel and HuffPo doesn’t mean they aren’t absolutely hounding them.

you have a completely valid point. I was far to blase in my response. I was more trying to point out Trumps own hypocrisy than jump on board the this is trumps fault bandwagon.

Conservatives on this day:

“Hey, we single-handedly beat the Germans in WWII.”