
Right! Didn't you love that Ser Davos didn't even need to be told what happened. He is awesome so he did a quick CSI: Westeros and figured that shit out in 5 minutes.
Red Lady better watch her ass!

You took the words right out of my mouth. I was telling everyone last night this dude must really be the Promised Prince because the Lord of Light has him in a protective bubble. It seemed really obvious at the start of the battle.

I personally would like to see that as well.
But if they do it I will feel like it was kind of obvious and stupid. That wont stop me enjoying every minute of it though.

They were ginormous! LOL

I was confused by that circle as well. Did Jon's army just allow themselves to be herded into a death circle? Why? They seemed to just kind of go along with it. What kind of military strategy! LOL

I wanted him to lay flat. Would that have helped!

The battle of Blackwater involved a last minute save. Dany came and saved the day in Mereen. Just like Brienne and Pod rushed in to save Theon and Sansa earlier this season. This show loves a rush in save!

I am with you! I guess last night was a win for the Starks. As much as you could see it that way. I just don't want to lose any more Starks!

And here lies my problem as well. Maybe it hasn't translated on the show as clear as it was in the books. Your word is everything in this world. People die for loyalty and while I understand having to do whatever you have to do in the moment. Like kissing Ramsays ass while there wasn't any other option.
But Jon being

I started running down a list for my mom of who Ramsay's death was for. Shit when I got to like #20 I was like fuck it. This is for just about everyone in Westeros.

Pretty much every epic battle on this show ends with someone riding in at the last minute to save the day. Its annoying.
That being said I knew the army from the Vale was coming. It just would have been nice to have them there the whole time. I also wish Pod and Brienne had gotten in on some action!

Looking at that picture of Jon with his sword drawn in front of the oncoming Bolton forces makes me think some epic Azor Ahai shit is gonna happen

Same here

Well of course Edmure loves his baby whether he has ever laid eyes on him or not. And the thought of the little guy being catapulted into the castle is a legit reason to do what Jamie is asking. Or were you thinking there might not even be a baby?
Of course Edmure doesn't know that Jamie tried to murder his nephew by

I am with you on this! My confusion stems from where Cat's body has been all this time? Edmure confirmed years have passed since the red wedding. I am curious will they try to say this happened right after she died and she has been quietly killing in the Riverlands? Or did Thoros and Beric keep her on ice all this

Totally loaded! Ruffalo was amazing and that was probably one of my first times seeing him. He definitely went on to great things after that.

It was the perfect role for his style. Basically the hapless lovable loser. Essentially he played the same character in this movie. Its his lane for sure.

Jim deserved an Oscar for Joel in ESOTSM IMO! It was hands down his best work.
I love that movie as much now as I did then.

Welp not a bad theory. The last thing we need is another player though so I hope not.

Agreed! And I think we can all forget about dorne now. The show certainly has