
- When those ships were sailing in I thought yayyy…theon and yara got there quick! The masters? Uhhhhh ok
- Hate to agree but arya's situation was silly and anticlimactic. A couple bandages fixed gut stabs? She looked like she needed a maester. And when she mentioned going west of westeros I wanted to slap her. Glad

Ahhh… This made me laugh for like 5 minutes straight

When I finally come around to those two they get split up

He better. They better not pull a fucking Dexter on us

I definitely think it is more this than Stan being weird or creepy. His best friends daughter is dating his son. He is tickled by it and also couldn't resist torturing Phillip about it. Cause that's what friends are for!

Loving sassy Henry!
Also very sad he had to watch the fucking Super Bowl alone. How shitty

Lmao that's pretty good

Mind. Blown.
I so hope you are right! And I love your name it always tickles me

I am not even excited for it anymore. Which I figured would happen. I will read it for sure but there is zero anticipation on my part. Basically I know the show has left out a zillion little details from the book but you just know the big moments like Ramsay killing roose for example will definitely happen so it takes

Speaking of dorne (glad you brought it up) it seems silly that we checked in there and saw some major shit go down and have not been back since.
All the shit with Doran and Tristan and myrcella seems totally pointless.
In fact has another character so much as mentioned the goings on in dorne even casually.

Your totally right. I feel very cheated I didn't get to see missandei and khaleesi play that out on the show! I'm a perv I know… :)

He is super cute. That smile…swoon

That plot last season with the foster son could have been really cliché and stupid but thanks to those two and that awesome kid actor it wasn't. It was really poignant and really touched me.

Susan Lucci and Judy Reyes are so good in this. As are the people playing the Powells. This show is honestly very campy and fun. I enjoy it.
Glad to see it getting some AV love.

For sure… I am just hoping Sansa and Jon can do it right and secure the army they need before jumping into battle

You are so right. Khaleesi had some lady action as well

You ain't right! Lol

I must have willed myself to forget. Now that you say that it is coming back.
My comment should have been 'fuck those guys'!

I would love for those two to hit it off!

Very true!