
Seemed like it was because she didn't seem fully committed at first. After a while when arya had shown a lot of progress the waif still didn't let up. It turned personal at some point. But not sure why. She does seem jealous of any attention jaquen gives arya. That might be it

They better be. That is not what the BWB is about

Yara likes girls! I always thought she might play for both teams but was that confirmed in the books? Or mentioned in the show before now? I remember her having a thing for one of her men in the books

That pissed me off too. Scoffing at the amount of men. Girl, it is better than nothing! This shit is a marathon not a sprint

Agreed! They could have spent a minute or two prior to tonight with the commune to establish a foundation. Even without showing Sandor. It's not like they mind stopping in with new characters without an explanation.
And by members of the brotherhood no less…SMH

That kid was amazing. She had a shit ton of lines for one so small and she killed it

They nailed it

That's what I figured. Who knew the penalty for quitting was 5 gut stabs. I would never work for faceless men inc.

I totally agree with no longer calling Sandor the hound. He never liked it and now seems really done with that life. Even though grabbing the ax might have seemed like back sliding it wasn't. Old Sandor didn't give enough of a fuck about anyone to have sought out revenge for them. It's progress for sure

I am thoroughly conflicted

The kid is so cute! And he is such a lonely guy. It just makes me want to give him a hug. That's why I love his friendship with Stan.

No! I was tickled pink

Right! How could they reasonably turn him away at that point. It would have seemed really weird.
Loved Paige back there setting the table and shitting bricks

Lol! So true. That kid should be a toddler by now

Good article, I totally agree 🙂

I agree! I don't mind making characters more shaded and multi dimensional but not completely turning bad guys into good guys. Cersei doesn't scheme any more. She barely even talks shit. She is a pussy cat. Melisandre isn't sacrificing kids or mixing potions. She is too timid to woman up and tell Davos about shireen.

Exactly! But I am even more confused if his plan was to have Ramsay hopefully kill her to get her out of the way. Wouldn't it have been easier to kill her himself thus guaranteeing it happens.
So my feeling is that littlefinger thought he was helping. Getting her home with a seemingly normal guy. If Ramsay had been

Interesting and terrifying! I always thought that wall breaking horn would get them there. But that is good. Hopefully that mark was only good for one use. And isn't some open ended portal.

I said that. I would have laughed out loud

Your name…😂