
I used too want Jamie and brienne together as well. I haven't totally given up on that honestly. Book Jamie I should say. Because I am not happy with whatever is going on with tv Jamie

No just respect in comparison to other parts of westeros. Woman have more agency north of the wall than anywhere else. Except maybe dorne!
Not perfect but preferable to where brienne is from

I also think she's a red-herring false-protagonist who is actually an antagonist

That's how I remember it. I assume stannis is in a dungeon without skin on his kneecaps or something. It's easy to forget that now that tv stannis is dead

Couldn't he have believed Ramsay was a decent fellow and really thought she would be fine….
I just want that to be what happened even if I know it likely is not

They definitely have some of the best characters at the wall right now. It's so awesome

The wildlings know how to treat woman. They have democracy. They are willing to work with people they don't get along with for the greater good. Yet these are the savages everyone is so scared of… Hmmm

Lmao… So true

Yup! He loves Sansa. And he really loved her mom. He will fight for this family

Right… Didn't umber say he liked young boys

Where the fuck is bronn

I really thought there was some big kill Ramsay plot going on…that shit bummed me out :(

Ok this really tickled me. It took me a minute to remember they weren't in it at all

I cried so much…

She has gone through so much and is turning into a decent person from it. It's so nice. It didn't break her down, it built her up

One of the few men who could even begin to handle her. And wildlings respect ladies a lot more than high born people and common folk

She doesn't know how to be cool. Brienne has zero chill. Came in the gate glaring at folks, ready to fight. Lol
I am so happy Sansa is with her!

A stark reunion…sigh! I cried real tears. We have waited so long and it didn't disappoint.
Really love they acknowledged their strained relationship and apologized. Now they are working together. I can hardly take it. Still smiling from last night :)


I like it while also being in agreement with every word of this review. I think this reviewer has a really good handle on what could be improved upon.