
I think it was implied because he didn't have a legitimate heir. Once Ramsay was legitimized no reason not to be fatherly. Plus roose raped Ramsays mother and regularly flayed people. They were more alike than not.

Mainly who was the murderer on the bridge and what is the significance to the main story. She thought she should have known him like maybe she missed something

Jamie's story is confusing as fuck to me and I hate what they seem to be doing to him. But I guess this is what could be happening in the books too but it's hard to see that given where things left off with Jamie
Trying to be patient but dammit he should hate cersei by now WTF

You got to figure he will cross paths with some of those deserters at some point and they will fill him in.

Absolutely more anachronistic and its jarring. The reviewer pointed it out last week with the dothraki and I noticed it again this week in a lot of subtle ways

To me it was a source of great humor while reading. Last count Beric had like 9 resurrections or some shit. It had gotten ridiculous

You know GRRM so well! Lol

Right! A speech about his invaluable leadership would have helped there

Agreed. I base my opinion off my mother. We watch every episode together and she is very dedicated to following along. So I bring the book perspective but she really knows the shows.
She was very confused last night. Once I explained it fully she was like how would I have known this just by watching. I don't know it's

I thought he was dead already too. Weird

Me too

Loved seeing little Ned and benjen. That was really cool.
But everyone I know that watches and hasn't read the books was confused by the stuff with the iron islands. They should have kept up with them more consistently.
Ramsey…geez man. They are really cleaning house this season!

Right! i thought at least a year

Either way I laughed incredibly hard

Me too! But the statement from Clarke its not your fault, just saying that's bullshit. He owns part of the blame

I heard not Lincoln as well and that's bullshit anyway. It is most certainly bellamy's fault.

Right, and he only did that so he could get the word out to other grounders not to show mercy

Interesting. I figured Clarke was intentionally fudging a few facts with Luna in order to get to the point. Now I think she will have to fully disclose everything and try to gain Luna's trust

Right! I thought Clarke actually said goodbye to Abby.
I also didn't think Octavia knew anyone cause she was hidden till right before they left. So I must have forgotten a few things

Damn…I enjoyed that version of Radioactive. To each his own :)