
That's fair! What do you feel some of those things are?
Personally I do think some of the acting is fantastic. Also love the wardrobe and some of the music I really like. The writing is what I have most issue with at this point

Well at least you tried. Some folks will never see that as anything less than a compliment. My personal favorite "you aren't like the black people where I am from". Then going on to say something even more offensive like cause you don't take everything so personal or you aren't loud/ghetto. Uhhhhh well thanks

It is depressing, and it's also silly. I try not to let myself think that way. I represent myself and my family not the entire black race. But my parents still actively approach all things in life with that attitude. Too ingrained I guess

I find myself as the only black person in the room even today quite often. In my department of about 110 people there are maybe 10 black people.

I read it as her real insecurity peeking out. That girl loves Phillip. Whether she can say it or show it very well she does. And her heart genuinely hurt that he might have developed real feelings for Martha. In that moment I think she really was asking from wife to husband would he do it. She might as well have just…

That's proof being on HBO doesn't matter. It was fucking criminal how completely overlooked the wire was.

I said this fucking park must be HUGE. But it looked like the same general area to me so I was confused

So true! Lol
He didn't need to think at all which makes sense but last week there was some discussion about how real his feelings might be. That made things crystal clear didn't it. He feels bad, and he should forever for this. But he does not love Martha

That's the moment my tear dropped… I just couldn't handle it.
Also never seen Elizabeth more vulnerable than asking Phillip if he would go with Martha, saying she would understand. Really touched me.

I did as well but now I am questioning it

I had not thought about that but you are right

Great post, totally agree

If she ever makes it on the plane I see her taking a bullet in the back of the head as soon as she steps foot in Russia

So I wondered something about the sketches. It seemed like they were trying to show the artist wasn't very good, right? That looked nothing like Martha. So basically of course Stan doesn't see any Phillip in Clark cause it's a shitty drawing

This episode was so good! I thought Elizabeth stabbed Martha! So glad it was just a punch.
Was Stan just trying to be nice when he came up with the long lost lover theory? I hope so cause come on.
Feeling very bad for Gaad :(


I always hated aegon showing up. It was like good grief another potential King, and more fucking characters. I guess the thought is that Dany will marry him, and be queen but I don't like that ending

Totally agree regarding dorne. But I will say on the one hand I am glad to see some action. On the other hand it was poorly executed and nonsensical on a lot of levels

Lol so true.

But weren't they on the dock waving Bon voyage? I think I am going to have to go back and watch it again