
Assuming she has truly believed in everything she has done then she has to feel like a piece of shit right now. And has to be asking the red God why he has foresaken one of his most loyal followers.

Thank you! Followers of the red God popping up everywhere

He is on his way to dany. And I can't remember the details but isn't their some shit happening on that boat right now. Supernatural I mean

I like your optimism. I hope this same thing

And it pisses me off. He should hate her guts by now. So I guess we should take this to mean book Jamie eventually ends up back with cersei but I don't see how.
He has come so far in the books but his character is an afterthought in the show

For sure. Starks in general are bad at explaining things to people

Good point on #2. Never considered it but your right

I cannot wait till those black hearted bastards get got by walkers. Fuck the nights watch

I stopped like 5 episodes ago. But I love your reviews and I am slightly curious what is happening! From the sounds of it not much

When I saw the preview for this week I was excited. Even if it was a terminator rip off it still sounded like fun.
But oh well

Ahhh ok gotcha! Most definitely agree with that

That helped me remember it. Thanks

You think!? Your probably right. I just think Martha kind of has this quiet strength. She is fragile and totally wrecked right now but I honestly think she would keep it together if she heard it all. The KGB piece makes it all so clear. He is a spy. Everything is a lie. She isn't stupid so she has to already guess a

I can't think of anyone but I am going to check

I would be sad but also relieved if she goes to jail. At least she would be alive

Wasn't that a mission though! He did lie initially but I almost positive he was working plus didn't the chick tell him they had a kid together. I'm fuzzy on my details

Or at least deeply cares for her

I wondered the same thing but they would never believe a person could be so naive. Especially an employee of the government. Martha isn't clueless just lonely and she is paying for that in spades

It did start to seem cruel you are right! Rip the fucking band aid off. She gave him countless openings. Like asking if he was seeing his "sister". Perfect time to get it all out. Had he done that she may not have run out like that. But I think he is feeling ashamed as well as guilty

Has to be #2