
I agree, that was my take

She did! Gregory had a choice unlike Martha. But if it had been the same situation I don't think Elizabeth would have tried very hard to save him. Not the way Phillip is for Martha

I also think it's mostly guilt. But maybe a little real affection in there somewhere

I also am glad to see Stan finally getting after some of the people around him. I like Stan a lot but it's hard not to think of him as somewhat bad at his job. He lives next door to KGB agents! Lol

I have similar feelings about Martha. Like who could be that stupid. But also damn that Phillip is good.

Very true! I couldn't believe he not only stayed but had sex. After all the sleeping around this did feel like actual cheating. He was being crushed by guilt but I am thinking the best thing for Martha is a clean break and brutal honesty.

When Martha said "where will we go" so sadly…my heart broke in half.
I guess I always knew that this day would come but Phillip is so good that it never felt like Martha was being fucked over. It is horrible what they did to her.

The way Adam eye balled laird. I think he is worried about the baby and of course his sister. Could laird have gone to get high? That's what I thought

That dead pan "there are rules" tickled the shit out of me.

I love them together

The Jessa/Adam fight was definitely a blemish on an otherwise great episode! It didn't land for me. I guess Adam just hit his breaking point because he clearly was worried about lil sample but it still didn't feel organic.
I will say that Jessa said all the things I wanted her to say about Hannah. Still her dearest

I thought he was alive also. If she knew his date of death then she knew for sure he should have been dead. Which means they must have already changed history

I totally agree! 😡

Negan on a jet ski… You are too much!!!!!

I'm with you! Plus I don't like the album. It's pretty shitty

Would also explain why the kidnapper wants him back or dead. He doesn't miss him but he knows if the truth comes out then it's only a matter of time before this leads back to him

There could still be more coming for Bellamy. I agree with all your points but I also think it's too early to say for sure. there is a new commander now and he may have to pay with his life before its all said and done

The grade was well deserved. You could have easily graded the whole season an F as well


Nice! That's how it should be done