
You probably can't tell because of her constant scowl but Sasha is pretty cute

- It's pretty awesome that this group of people that is like, strong enough to have every road blocked off never happened upon Alexandria or anyone for the whole

So true! Just as Abe jumped from who would bring a baby into this world and I could never do it, to this current position

That's what I thought regarding the DNA. I thought the blogger got some of Dannys DNA not the dad but I could have missed something

She used lots of baby oil…that's what I do anyway :)

Yea what was up with the talking? Wouldn't an usher or someone have shushed them or made them leave? I have never been to a play like that before so not sure but it was so fucking rude. Seemed like a cool idea and something I would enjoy though.
Also curious how they reset the scenes or do they keep repeating lines on

She handled it better than most people. It's not like Jessa isn't her friend anymore. They had a petty squabble and I am sure Hannah still considered her a friend. Jessa should have told her. That's the shitty part. Them being together I don't view as wrong. And Adam is in the clear IMO.
But I do like adam and Jessa

Great post! I think you are right about Hannah and Fran's motivations.
Also the twat flash did seem too far even for her. She is definitely unhappy and basically acting out. If she wanted to get fired she should get her wish now

You both bring up valid points. I agree with you both

I see your point. Maybe I should just stick with actions on this show used to have more believable consequences. Lately not so much

This response! Lmao. I enjoy your reviews :)

He does! He is really trying here and I find it refreshing

Upon further reflection I will concede that it's been longer than a few weeks. I still think it could have been better conveyed but I agree with you

I don't remember that. I thought it was 25

And you know those people are talking about you. It's natural, couples talk about past relationships. And sine both people know you so well you just know they compare notes at some point. It may sound paranoid but that's what would really irk me the most.
Two people you loved and confided in now talking about you

No I am serious. You don't agree? Remember when there used to be consequences in the shameless world. The kids were in the system. Fiona has been to jail. Ian and Monica a mental institution. That was realistic to me. Now the realism is totally gone

It's Eugene. He even got his big moment and speech. Although it took him 5 seconds to get caught. Eugene sucks

I hoped to be prove wrong, never expected to be so totally right

Hard to argue with that

You hit the nail on the head. After all the bullshit I didn't care who got Lucille when I should have cared more. And you just know it will be someone on the fringe. Eugene or Abe. We all know this shit