
Welp…. I agree with every word of this review. Fuck this show.

Carl must really really like that chick! But frank calling her out as foxy and wondering how Carl pulled it off made me laugh. Also liked the dress scene in the mall. I like those three better than most other stories here right now

Totally agree. And it used to be so realistic

Self reflection is hard. And demons from childhood don't always pick a good moment to show up. So I buy lips spiral but I agree with the reviewer it wasn't shown well at all.
Also 3 weeks of drinking suddenly leaping to rehab seems too fast

Great shows know not only when to end but how. Shameless could have ended this season strongly but nope. It's obviously going out with a wimper not a bang

They did blow Caleb meeting everyone. I didn't see him actually meet anyone but lip

She can date. Just nothing serious. Let her live for once

Or at least helping him. It was like totally over which seemed extreme. She spent the whole relationship forcing her help on him.

I could have gotten behind frank pulling Fiona aside and telling her about Sean. It still would have ruined her day but for good reason. But frank calling Fiona a whore in the church on her wedding day in front of everyone… That was it.
How the hell would frank know lip was drinking so much? Like the reviewer said its

I hope Freda isn't gone for good without so much as a word about her. Last I remember she was the newest member of the family and luscious gave her that beat that was supposed to be so important.

I thought Jamal already won so I was like what is going on

Normally I would agree that the attacker was for sure a woman. But these days that is hardly compelling evidence. Any damn body could have been wearing those shoes

They could give Anika a brain tumor. It's the only thing that would make any of this make sense.

I love Nina but definitely agree

I am sure you are right. I was just copying the reviewer cause I missed the name.

I might be! Lol
The reviewer called her Cindy so I did as well but honestly I couldn't remember her name

I get that feeling as well. Sandra seems smitten so my money is on her. The only reason she has waited this long is because she was on the other side of it and doesn't want to ruin a marriage, but she will cave

She definitely seemed to go out of her way to make a connection with him

It's nice seeing Elizabeth as Cindy. That might be my favorite disguise.

I for one am shocked that a respectable news source like fox would hire furhman…