
This made me laugh so hard!

Agreed! They are always inappropriate and hilarious. Almost like he himself is being convinced of his innocence.

Hannah and Elijah doing coke is my favorite girls episode. Laird following her. Snorting lines off toilet seats. That fucking shirt! I loved it

Lots of good stuff here. But I still like marnie and hope she pulls it together. Actually I think she will. When bullet pointed like this it sounds very awful but it doesn't tell the whole story. She is starting to learn

When the cop that locked Hank up was then tasked with finding his attacker I realized this. But I too am enjoying it

Good call on Danny not being their biological kid. I could see that

I think that is what the guy was trying to do till lip totally crossed the line and got physical with him. To me that seemed to be the breaking point

The bulk came from extorting Derek's parents

I remember when Debbie was the smartest one besides lip. Now she has seemingly lost her mind. Taking a baby to class? why would she think that was ok? Literally not getting any sleep? Come on even for a teenager she is being really moronic

Very true. In fact I know some that are overweight. Which to me defies logic

Well when you put it like that…

Exactly! She acted like a grown woman. For the first time I can recall. When Desi said she would be murdered I wanted to punch his face. But her reaction was awesome

That lady giving no fucks really tickled me

Good thought. It didn't cross my mind but his answers made no sense and were very vague. Plus he was way too nonchalant

I was connected to it as well. Many addicts in my family. Broke my heart. But addict or not he helped marnie wake up and he is a true friend to her. When he remembered her uncles names and professions I couldn't stop smiling. When you are really down that is what you need. Someone who knows you and who cares

I love me some Nina! I think it's awesome that she almost lost everything but managed to spin it in her own favor. There is no doubt she will conquer this current dilemma. All this over a note that never reached the recipient…geesh.

But they each used to have their own distinct voice. Why do they all now speak fast and loud. It is the same rhythm and cadence. It is the silliest aspect of what had become a really silly show. And I always really notice it despite trying to ignore it

This shit is genuinely terrifying. Beside my husband and parents everyone else I deal with has who cares attitude. Granted I obviously don't discuss it at work but I am sure there would be some intelligent thoughts there. But my few work friends that I hang with outside are all considering the man a legitimate

Good points. I understand what your saying. And I can see how offense might be taken. But at what point does a comedy cross the line? Jokes often mock people. As a black woman I find myself the butt of many mean jokes but I try not to get too huffy about a joke. But you feel the show has more of an obligation because

Me too!