
I feel you. Personally I have always wanted small tits. Mine are huge and it really does limit the cute shit you can wear plus hard to keep these girls perky! So yea I think her tits are fine

At times it did to me. But it was so subtle you could easily miss it

Me too. As did the cold blooded element. What if everyone wasn't a bad guy. Maybe they were holding people against their will. Stabbing sleeping people isn't something that seems justified ever. Now Morgan's suggestion was moronic but your right. casing the place would have made sense! They didn't even know If they

He annoys me too. There is just no time for his nonsense.

I laughed so hard

Yea what the fuck did rosita do! Abe is an ass

So probably he will end up screwing that guy and that will be what does it. Caleb said the ex wasn't too into sex but he was probably into some kinky shit that Caleb wasn't willing to do. But he seemed very into Ian.

Yea lip doesn't seem to use condoms. When the first chick climbed in I was like wait does he sleep wrapped up! Lol.

Ian did brush that off too easily. Of course they were safe but that's beside the point. Tell me that shit upfront, and let me decide especially if you are looking for something real.

Sad but true. They are great with beginnings and awful with endings

Yes I said the same thing! That little boy takes me right back to hogwarts :)

Lol! So true

I am so glad Titus didn't get to kill Murphy

I cried embarrassingly hard….damn you Titus!

Thank you. Ok so it sound like the black kid deserves some discipline on that matter. But the 3 kids that jumped him were not right to go out and be vigilantes.


Agree about Ava. She seemed to be very sure Dixon was prejudiced and didn't allow room for any other possibility and somewhere along the way she realized this could benefit her professionally

Your username 😂
But totally agree on Taylor. I felt pretty sure he was violated in some way but that scene with evy left me lost

You said everything I was thinking and you bring up a good point about all characters sounding the same. They used to have distinct personalities now everyone is making a speech and they all sound interchangeable.

I think he was on Oxy too. She did sell him some pills