
Thank you

Ok…fair enough

Yea I somehow missed that last stray observation. I don't like it at all. But if the intent is to help the viewer better understand being left out then it worked

Yea…I didn't see Chris Rock's joke as anything but that. He makes jokes at the expense of all races. Since he is a comedian telling a joke hopefully no one took it too seriously.

Did you TV do subtitles on that scene with Evy and the teacher? Mine didn't and I was totally lost. That has happened before , and I guess maybe it is intentional but I don't see the point and I have no idea what was said between those two.

Hearing about your aunt made me laugh even though she is wrong. My grandmother is the same way and she is pretty old and sick so no one is going to try and argue with her but I definitely think most of the family cringe when she goes on a tangent about this group or that one.
But she is also very prejudiced against

Well said!

Becca's mom going to talk to Ann seemed really poorly thought out. Obviously Taylor wasn't dragging Becca into it and I am sure he could have by now. Why not leave it alone? And her threat of saying Taylor bought drugs before the party doesn't seem totally rock solid either because at this point she doesn't know that

Lol. I thought it was the same actor in make up. I was thinking damn girls how cheap, you couldn't afford a different actor

Good point. But as a girl I do think hooking up with a friends ex is shitty. Full disclosure I have done it and she was a truly good friend who recognized the connection he and I had. Which I appreciated but the guilt was always there. It never felt completely right. And our friendship was never as close.
So while I

Poor Ray is like the circus master amongst these nuts. Hannah was on fire though as was Elijah. I am not digging Fran at all. And what the fuck is with calling Hannah pal all the time

Flight who gives a fuck updates give me life every week! I started to FF thru that stuff so good to know it's still a steaming pile of shit

That would have been awesome. But in TWD world all that meant was more underdeveloped characters plus a bunch of red shirts

He isn't going into the rain without galoshes, that's all I need to know

Well most of them anyway. I thought it seemed unnecessary.

Ichabod could cook for me any day!

Agreed about liv and her dad. Did they forget we never saw a reconciliation of any sort? With so much bad blood we needed that. At one point she had to be coerced into dining with him. Is that happening again? I have no idea what is going on

This is why you can tell when writers have a good handle on their story and characters and when they don't. I would use shows like the Americans, 6 feet under or rectify as examples that it's possible to stay consistently amazing. But only if the foundation is strong. Scandal was built on top of quicksand

You should run for office! I have never read such a spot on summary of why school as it is is just lacking. I say it all the time. You skip over anything that might actually help you in life like how to budget or taxes or anything really. And instead focus on shit that you will likely never need

I took that as wanting something else from life. And then dad saying he is there like he always has been. Eric looked so weird because he is emotionally stunted. He couldn't or wouldn't express himself. I cannot believe his dad did anything like that