
I also wanted Eric's dad to hug him so bad in that moment

Same here. I am really enjoying this show

No I can't. That's sad.

Amen! She is so damn good

Me too plus I don't find schwimmers performance to be anything special especially amongst some of these really great ones. He gets lost for me. It's not bad just decent

Shapiro saying I am the quarterback, correct really tickled me. By that point it was clear what was going on but he just had to draw it out

Add to that I believe he truly gives stock to the LAPD frame job. I think he wanted to believe OJ couldn't do something like that so he did. Cochran thought he was on the right side of this whole thing. Everyone on the team beside Cochran and kardashian seem to know their client is guilty

Exactly! I guess that person doesn't believe everyone has a right to representation

Agreed! I felt sad she had to hear it but she did need to be taken down a peg or two. To me it was just her confidence in her case. Made her cocky and oblivious

Yea I expected him to storm out and never return. Instead he folded his arms and pouted like a 5 year old

Wow! I read somewhere that dr. Omalu (from concussion film) has said he is almost positive that OJ has CTE. That would certainly explain a lot. Wonder how he was before playing football

Everyone does come off totally naive.

OJ comes off as damn near remedial in this. Like a child almost. The way the team had to handle him over the phone was just odd. Was he just eager to please?

Right! In reality it does often ruin a friendship. Plus Jessa of all people knows how much Hannah did and probably still does love Adam. And fuck you Adam

I totally agree but I am still on the fence about Caleb. Seems harmless to me but I hadn't considered some of the things mentioned here.

My money is on Liam

I have never understood keeping chuckie around. He legitamely would have ended up in the system after what happened so why not do that? He adds no value and everyone treats him so bad. I will never think it is funny to pick on slow kid. Not to mention he is a bonafide relative but that makes no difference to anyone

That pissed me off too. Maybe it's a coping mechanism cause the day was pretty horrific for Ian too but totally felt awful hearing him say that shit

Calebs attraction to Ian had to start purely physical! Look at him. Did you see his arms when he was carrying Liam. My goodness! But now I think he is really intrigued by his story and really likes him. But you right Caleb so far is a snooze but his dad is a hilarious mess

Suprisingly it has grown on me too. He is damaged but still very together. If he can stay clean and he seems to really want to stay clean, then he is a great influence for Fiona. A walking talking example that no matter how much shit life shovels on top of you, it's still possible to climb out.