
He is stuck in a past relationship that never came together into a compelling storyline, whereas Ian is blithely moving past a relationship that was the most complex the show ever constructed.
- well this about sums it up for me. Thank you

You scoundrel! This made me laugh so hard :)

Alicia and kalinda were awesome friends and personally while I always hated Saint Alicia for her reaction it did feel authentic. You are right this however is not authentic and I especially hated fitz once I understood why mellie grew cold toward him. So I couldn't get invested in olitz (ha) after that. But this

I agree! Still don't think it makes sense but glad they are sticking with it.

The sky crew are cold blooded killers! 10 people executed 300! Overall grounders are way better in battle so that's really hard to accept but fine ok. Then Jaha shows up with a buddy and they snuff that dude out within 3 minutes of contact.

While I agree she is a mess I think she is crucial in helping us understand why Dre is fucked in the head. With a mama like that who wouldn't be a little high strung. And her calling Bow a hybrid while totally wrong gave me my biggest tickle of the night

Lol, true!

But if Todd goes to the hospital aren't stabbings reported? Seems like he might have to go

All good points. Just watched the scene back and he said "Knew this kid at my school, same thing, said he was all curious or whatever, turned him out, started screaming about how he didn't really want it, that bitch"
And of course this was after him telling the guy maybe he didn't really want to do this. So it does

Great review! It bums me out pretty often but it is a really good show so I keep coming back. Eric getting attacked was so unexpected and awful. Glad he got the best of Todd but not sure why he would drop the knife. Seeing him keep stumbling in the distance just broke my heart for some reason. It was really well done

I agree. The cold open was lame as fuck as was them chanting their name last week. The show loses a couple points with me every time which sucks because there is a lot of potential here

In the pilot Kris was telling kourtney and Khloe to stop running around at Nicole's funeral and I remember two younger looking girls. Younger than what I am seeing now. Plus wouldn't a 15 yr old know better

No kidding! Fair enough. I read them all many times over. I remember a more vivid description but that was probably my own imagination

I respect that and I can even admit that every relationship will not end in a meaningful way. Some shit just ends and it's over! But I loved these two together so the fangirl in me was and is very let down over the whole thing :)

Plus the shenanigans get increasingly stupid and not funny.
Remember back when they had Ethel the sweet gal from the cult who had a baby. That turned out to be poignant. A real statement about choosing your own path in life.
Every thing since then has been done for laughs but its not funny.

Good one! I felt the same way. Phoebe even managed to make me feel bad for Paige, a character I really never liked. But she was so awful to her during the Cole mess. And I was really pissed for the way she treated Prue.
Loved Shannen as Prue. She did a phenomenal job on that show.

How is that when its in a pawn shop? Or did you believe the safety deposit box bullshit. She wasn't giving shit back because she doesn't have it.

And he doesn't even know about the abortion! Could have been his baby, likely was. I realize it was her right to make that choice, and I would never suggest otherwise. But Fiona is married to Gus, and she had an abortion without speaking to him at all. I do feel that is yet another piece of shit thing Fiona did to him

Me too. And I am not a prude. I know teenagers have sex. And I am alright with that if both people are in fact teens. This shit with Debbie is gross. And now its the wife not the husband. Frank urging his young daughter to finger bang a woman or go downtown on her makes me sick. And I continue to not find it funny.

Cheated on him twice and likely just aborted his child without so much as a fuck you. Granted he doesn't know all of that but she knows what she has done to poor Gus. Yea she deserved that. Lucky he isn't more of a vindictive type. Gus is only back in her orbit because she needed something. Seems to me he was fine