
Never change!

Totally agree!

To me it seems like they would be able to apply that mortgage to another place but I guess we will see.

Frank's gross behavior went from mildly amusing to creepy… Trying to basically pimp Debbie out. At least we know you put out! Come on frank! And it looks like they are really going to stick with that storyline…sigh

No way in hell frank wouldn't have fucked up all the kids credit by their 2nd birthday

Yea he feels so familiar but it's probably from other shows

Hadn't thought about that but you are right! Definitely a head scratcher

Were Indira and pike giving each other googly eyes? That or they recognized one another. We haven't seen pike before have we. I have trouble remembering all the adults from the ark

Dude…I knew I knew that face LOL

Your right… Clarke sees that in herself and she hates it

I am not 100% sure Clarke wouldn't have done it. She is loyal as hell and ruthless when she needs to be. She didn't owe them anything. but I am leaning toward what you are saying…because that was just cruel and she isn't cruel. Under those circumstances I don't think she would take the deal but maybe under a different

Not forgetting the past is so important. Some shows cherry pick what to remember, and I really hate that

Interesting….she did encourage him to face it

With this show the guy is probably alive somewhere

Right! Hopefully they flip that on its head this time.

This past summer I was watching Kristin Connolly on the whispers and zoo every week.

Seems really common these days where you used to hardly see that sort of thing.

Me too cause I love them together.

I bet they are still around! I have only been to one poetry slam in my life. I kept slipping up and clapping after the poems. Lone person in the room clapping like an asshole

Yea I agree with you and I see both of these woman as bitchy and quite rude a lot of times. Nothing wrong with being direct and assertive but they do it while also being dismissive and callous toward the other party.