
He acts guilty IMO. He was there. He knows something. Look how he and Eric talk about it. He isn't being distanced by anything beside him saying that's what happened. He was likely lying in that statement. I believe his concern for Eric stems not from friendship but self preservation. He doesn't want the dime dropped

I think he is too… He is so overly aggressive with girls. I could easily see him crossing the line.

You might be on to something with coach Dan. There is definitely something off with him.

I dug the poetry slam too. All the things Taylor is thinking but can't articulate. Helped us get into his head. I truly think Taylor was assaulted in some capacity and I also believe that he and Eric had a thing happening!

And maybe their consensual encounter happened before the roofie??

Did I hear bitch ass ni$$$ with not a black screen or bleep to be found!? I don't think I have ever heard that word on network tv

Oh ok! I read others said they didn't pay taxes most likely. Pretty crazy shit

Agree with all of your comment and most of dr j's. I am pretty conflicted. But that's life, sometimes there isn't a right answer or reaction. You just pick the lesser of all evils and forge ahead

He isn't elitist or an asshole but he is dropping the ball on being a good big bro right now so hopefully he corrects that

Those silly teachers took me right out of the moment. Shameless is grounded in reality so I expect realistic situations. Shit like that is cartoonish and I hated it

He honestly pissed me off with that bullshit. Dude you neglect all your kids now you want Fiona to add more to her plate and for what? More welfare!

She did. It's one of those times I see both sides. I hurt for her because he didn't have to introduce her like that. She would have felt the burn without that. But he had a right to be livid

Is that really how gentrification is? Just bam an eviction notice! No warning? No one offering to buy your place?

Very true. It wasn't because she was black for me it was because Terri was such a cold rude bitch in that moment. A lot of people would have popped off for that kind of thing especially if you getting fired any way

And I remember that fireball. It was not really a big deal at all. Billy just dropped a few crocodile tears and moved on with her life

I was thinking about charmed as well. I didn't hate billy as much as I hated Paige! She just never worked for me

I loved Pete! He was such a mess that I ended up really feeling for him, in the end he was starting to get it

The good wife could use more Diane!
The walking dead- more Daryl
Girls- more Ray
Shameless- more Mickey

Awww come on sometimes that shit was really funny in the parks and rec world. He was just so random! But I have never seen him before or after

I love you guys! For me it is definitely frank Gallagher. I love most everything else about the show but I wish they had the balls to off frank a long time ago.