KC Ribs

A lot of conservative men assume that beta males are already gay. A few of them will at least admit the possibility that some men go beta in hopes of getting some women into bed, using the same demeanor as the gentle folksinger in "Animal House" just before John Belushi destroyed his guitar. There is probably no real

Isn’t it kind of a fish in water problem? It’s always all around him, he’s immersed in it, so he doesn’t see it as separate from anything else.

So, this being a confessional and all, do you have any issues on whether your life has meaning to you?

Maybe a new perspective on Kobe’s reputation for hogging the ball.

The military is probably more worried about whether any of the cadets are in danger of being recruited by an enemy of the United States, or in the extreme case, whether any of them have. They will probably focus heavily on the meaning of the actions to the cadets themselves more than how we react to it. One or two of

Black people punish each other far more than people of other races do. The FBI claims that over 90% of the black murder victims in the US were killed by other black people, usually men. By contrast, police killings of black men are estimated at 2% to 4% of the total.

You give that up when you go West Point, that's all.

But why do they reject “All lives matter” and call it racist, if they are only after racial equality. Are they saying black lives are more important than the lives of people of other races?

As I understand it, BLM advocates special privileges for black people that should not be extended to people of other races. Am I mistaken about that?

I’m with you. I don’t even understand why the lesbians are supporting the trans-people on this one. I would think the last thing lesbians would want to see in the bathroom is anatomical males, regardless of what their subjective mental state might be. It seems like this would outweigh notions of political solidarity

Or mandate a third bathroom that anyone and everyone can use. The building restoration folks would make some money, and underemployed laborers would have some work, but the landlords would cry and moan at the extra expense, which would reduce their profits for a year or more.

Sorry, but the Department of Justice doesn’t get to make the laws, just to enforce them. It is extremely unlikely that the Civil Rights Act says anything at all about trans-people, due to when it was enacted. North Carolina could easily tell the DOJ to file their lawsuit, then wait to see who’s elected this November


You have to repeal the Twenty-Second Amendment. I hear it takes a lot of work to repeal Constitutional amendments. The last time they did that, it took them 14 years.

I think Mr. Talese is aging better than the late John Dos Passos, a writer who was a liberal firebrand in his 20s, but by his 80s, he wanted to put all anti-war protestors to work in the salt mines.

Sounds pretty nit-picky to me. Why does someone have to write “international books” to report what Gay Talese said?

He should have gone with Evelyn Waugh.

The bill is limited to restrooms in schools. It doesn't apply to other public restrooms. I imagine that trans men with beards and bald spots will use the faculty restrooms along with all the other teachers.

You can say “trans girls aren’t young men”, but the truth is that very few of them have had gender reassignment surgery at such a young age. They still have functioning male genitalia, for the most part.

If they aren’t men, how come they have dicks, get erections, and ejaculate semen?