
Nothing particularly makes her really, really dead other than her being super not alive.

I came here to say this! They'll be demanding to see her birth certificate because they won't believe she was really born on the 4th of July; that the story (and accompanying "fake" birth certificate) was manufactured to make the Obamas look extra patriotic. Ha ha ha!

My entire day, summed up.

My husband and I were just discussing how Obama could have planned this one so well.

How perfectly fabulous that she was born on the 4th.

You win the Internet today.

This may becone the best video of the day, but I'm not going to hedgehog my bets just yet.

No, allow me to pay for my own birth control out of insurance which is part of my compensation.

Leaving aside all judgment on promiscuity and health concerns, I just feel like this is an awful lot of work for one measly little drink.

I'm lying in bed right now next to my 7-year-old grandson...he's playing Plants vs Zombies and unsuccessfully warding off my hugs & kisses. He won't last more than another minute or two but I'm getting in all I can before he books. The 3-year-old's next.

It truly truly is. I can't believe my drive and my ability to score with both younger and older men. It's astounding considering what a nerd I was in school. I didn't even go to prom. While the chicks that did are breast feeding, I'm reaching my peak and hoping it lasts forever.

Yep. You observing millennials gives you more experience than me BEING a millennial and interacting/talking (and understanding inflection! And they understand mine!)/having relationships with millennials on a daily basis.

You mean working nonstop at a minimum wage job or trying to get good grades and internships makes people less likely to date, therefore bad at dating? Let me pencil falling in love between paying off my student debt and finding a stable life for myself. Let me ignore those things so that I can be miserable with

I so love it when "adults" complain about how kids these days don't have any social skills and just hang out on their smartphones all day long.

I love how the generation who coddled the shit out of us can't wait to turn around and blame us for how coddled we are. This theory is bullshit; everyone needs to stop acting like millennials are just rich white college kids. That said, the first half of this article describes me pretty accurately.

I am planning a mac and cheese dinner and I am watching yet another episode of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles with my two. Little do they know that they could ask to watch 100 of these things right now and I would say yes. I have read stories of true cases of forgetting children in cars and have empathized with those

Then why is everyone i know getting married and having babies? HMMM?

I had an extremely loud and silly dinner with my kids. We had mac and cheese because everyone likes it, and my eldest told us about his intro day at high school. It was one of those great family moments you just want to preserve in aspic. I love them so much and now I am going to go upstairs and cover their sleeping

Thanks for basically ruining my weekend with this story. Leaving now to take my kids for as much ice cream as they can eat until they barf. Big hugs for them. They are the light of my life.