If it's any consolation, we're not faring any better here in NC. Clay Aiken lost to crazy pants Renee Ellmers (unsurprisingly) and I'm thinking Kay Hagan is going to lose. She's only down by ~10,000 votes, so there's still hope.
Something like this happened to my oldest sister's cat back in the early 80's with very different results. I think she's still traumatized.
LiveJournal? Psh, all the cool kids used DeadJournal.
Jesus, your cat is super menacing.
I picked up a used copy of it on Saturday (which should have been a warning), played it for about an hour, and promptly returned it. Which sucks because I was pretty excited about it. Oh well :\
Better than Twee, Stockhausen style.
The fact that they chose Eine Kleine Nachtmusik is what ruins it for me. The fourth movement of Mozart's 35th Symphony would have been better.
I feel your pain. My high school sweetheart was 18 by the time prom rolled around and she went out with my older sister to some clubs afterwards. She broke up with me a few days later.
I don't know how crazy it is, but it certainly creeped me the fuck out. This requires a bit of setup. I met a girl at a burlesque show I play bass for. That night I was wearing my tuxedo with coat tails. This girl came up to me and asked where I got the tails. I explained that I bought them at a second hand bridal…
I'm beginning to think that I'm the only man that doesn't enjoy receiving oral.
Flashing yellow turn arrows are one one of the many reasons I love living in NC. The problem is I live near Fort Bragg so we've got drivers from all across the country here. And many of them are completely clueless about how to proceed. I can't tell you the number of times I've laid on my horn while some idiot with…
I'm your male counterpart. I prefer the styling and looks of the 500X over the Renegade.
That's basically my cat with the can opener. She hears it and is down the stairs and into the kitchen in an instant. Then she's all like "HEY DUDE, GIMME SOME OF THAT TUNA." I always give in.
+1 for the Nancy Kerrigan joke; I almost did a spit take with my coffee.
Jesus, I live in the district he's running to represent and this makes voting for him that much harder. Unfortunately, I'd rather have him than crazy pants Renee Ellmers representing me.
It's pretty silly, but dat C3 in the field...
...who goes to an Olive Garden in New York? Follow up question, why do they have Olive Gardens in New York? I get why we have them down here in the south, but if I went to New York the last fucking place I'd go is Olive Garden.
I only took my time to research and actually write a paper once when I was in college. I spent a month working on it and I thought it was a great paper. I got a fucking C on it. I wrote the final paper the night before it was due and got an A+. Every paper I wrote after that was written the night before/day of and I…