
Yeah, I was seriously blown away the first time I saw a photo of Sophie McShera out of costume. She's absolutely stunning. Hell, they all are.

Of course Lady Edith has to be unpalatable one that doesn't look at the camera!

Mrs. Hughes. I didn't recognize her. At all.

Russell, how is that even possible?

Meh, that's still better than Blurred Lines.

Sweet Swiss Army Knife, bro.

I think his name was Scott.

You won all of my internets for this.

This came on Showtime a few years ago in the middle of the night and when it got to this scene I HAD ALL THE FEELS. It was three in the morning and I was crying my eyes out.

I used to be the biggest White Stripes fan on the planet. I knew all the lore, the back story, tuned my guitars the same way he did, knew all their songs, etc. but then he started to become a self absorbed prick and kind of stopped listening to everything he did. It's like he's the Kanye West of alt rock.

Hey Jack, I got a pro-tip for you: when your songs are incredibly simple don't be surprised to hear other songs that sound like them. I know you think you thought of that I - IV - V - I progression, but you didn't buddy. It's been around. For a couple hundred years.

People always look at my like a deer in headlights when I say forte or correct their pronunciation of it. My high school Latin teacher beat that into us.

We've been active for quite a while. The problem is the districts were heavily gerrymandered after they won a majority in the 2010 mid term elections. Even though the GOP only won half the vote here they won 2/3 of the races in 2012 and only need 38% of the vote in the 2014 mid terms to keep a majority.

I've lived in North Carolina my entire life and I'm incredibly disgusted and terrified by what my state's government is doing. There's a lot of talk about voting these shitbags out, but there's a big problem: the gerrymandered districts. In the last election they garnered 50% of the vote but won 2/3 of the race. And

I agree. Maybe it's because my liberal outrage is starting to fatigue, but I honestly don't see a problem here. He's a free man driving in a state that has CHL reciprocity with his home state. I've never gotten a warning for speeding, but I can't be mad that he did. That'd be petty.

I was born in '87 and I'll take the 60s/70s over the 80s/90s.

I made it a whole 29 seconds before I stopped watching. And those 29 seconds were just awful.

So, when my own mother died a few years ago it was wrong for me to reach out for support and talk about it on social media? I also suppose it was wrong for me to go back to the summer camp I was working at less than twelve hours after she died?

"Karen Johnson, 51 of Minnesota, later died at a hospital, the newspaper hurts."

Looks like he's going to be facing some stiff competition from here on out.