Sam Cason

Well, there's a bit of a difference between being "sensitive about sexual material" (read: probably just homophobic) and people who want trigger warnings. There is an important distinction between prudishness/bigotry and someone who was sexually abused as a child and would like some warning before they engage in a

I've come a month from the future to say that yeah, they seem to be doing a lot of aggressive advertising now (on Spotify, Youtube), but I had barely heard anything about it when it first came out; it was only through tumblr that I even learned it was a thing. I don't know why Netflix dropped the ball on advertising

I agree 90% with this. The other 10% is gonna put on Alright a few months from now and start dancing

Why an A- instead of an A. Do you think that not getting a clear answer is a bad thing?

Originality died years ago. Like tens of thousands of years ago. Let go.

Yeah, the first girl we meet seems like the only other person who remains "uncorrupted" by the system. She seems to watch all that goes on with a sort of numb horror. Headcanon says she gets farther than Bing in working to try and tear the system down

Don't forget drone strikes. Loads and loads of extra-judicial drone strikes.

The Wrong Time Capsule video is still my favorite

"Has yet to show that kind of staying power"…

P'li: "It's platinum, bitch"

TLA Book 3 > TLA Book 2 > Korra Book 3 > 2nd half of Korra Book (minus finale) > TLA Book 1 > Korra Book 1 >>>>> 1st half of Korra Book 2

Speaking of sharks and popular culture: don't forget Rin Matsuoka; homeboy looks like shark week.

Fuck, space!

Watching him do the flailing pathetic doggy paddle really helps too

There's lots of elements of the movie that point to the entire thing being a dream. We don't know anyone else's backstory but Cobb's, we never see anyone traveling anywhere really, they just kind of appear where they need to be, etc.

I was just thinking about how weird this is, that I'm starting to know who all these late night hosts are, when before they were just the old, late night hosts and that was all they were. Now I'm starting to understand the way people older than me think about David Letterman, Jay Leno, etc.

The Tree of Life?

There are Protestants all over the place in Philly. I'm one.

I think there can be non-irritating evangelism, but I think that looks more like just doing life with other people, being their friend, and if they actually know you, they'll know you're a Christian and what that means for you. For me, Christianity is a relationship deal, not a

That was my joke…