
This is why we have contracts. Cover yourself with explicit time for revisions and make sure everything is scoped. Everything else gets billed by the hour. Try to get paid part upfront or after milestones. Then they'll have a reason not to ditch you, and you'll get at least something for you efforts.

Usually I run a live cd and burn a new one every time I need to reboot. Today I am installing an OS on my hard drive. Just for today.

Friday morning, because I have to get all projects approved for Monday launches. If there is a change or mistake, I have to scramble to get people on it.

What about the kids that murdered the researcher and took the whole lot? They have zero impulse control but get the biggest reward.

Can anyone vouch for linux support of midi controllers? A lot of them are usb now, so I would think you would need device-specific drivers for most of the new toys coming out. How do individual companies do? Korg, M-Audio, Novation, ect?

@jackburnt: that's the only reason I can think of that I would use this app... but I keep a lappy in the living room anyways for such things.

I e-filed with turbo tax last night. I just hope they transfer the money from my account today. Once that happens, I'll be able to relax.

What would people like to see in a "better remember the milk"?

I just use RDP or VNC for such things.

@xkevin108x: the problem isn't the gadget, but the limited functionality it provides. There is no excuse for this hardware not to run smb shares, torrent downloads, video streaming, itunes streaming, chron jobs, and anything else you want to put on it.

after having workspaces in a dirty closet and a cramped desk in the corner of my boss' office, I'm perfectly happy with my cube.

@MiltonShook: that rose bowl was the best football game ever.

wouldn't a mesh drawer solve the drying problem? it would still be dark, but I think it would dry almost as fast.

@Phoshi: it is a lot better for rollovers and image maps, but why couldn't that be integrated into photoshop, I mean it already does it, just not as well. What else does it do for web design?

now if only photoshop would swallow fireworks once and for all.

you want me to put my pumas where?

why go through all that trouble and not even add any lens flares/tilt-shift effects?

I use VLC because it will buffer video when streaming over my wifi network. Can media player classic do this?