@DBeta: You're right, 'color' ignores the lightness of the color, I don't know why I said it would behave the same when my description even contradicts it.
@DBeta: You're right, 'color' ignores the lightness of the color, I don't know why I said it would behave the same when my description even contradicts it.
@DBeta: the simplest way is to use "color" layer blending instead of "multiply".
I started a wordpress blog. Every time I find a technical issue where the solution is buried in some forum I make a note of it so I can make a clear and complete entry about it. If I had started this years ago I would no-doubt have hundreds of posts by now!
I'm most interested in how they will use opencl- gpu acceleration for non-graphics tasks. While everything else is pretty ho-hum, I see this as truly innovative.
has anyone had luck with those aqua globes they sell on tv? do they actually work?
@tarrantm: use a spray bottle
people mentioned food but I'd say anything related to cooking: utensils, cookbooks, classes, iphone recipe apps.
Agent Ransack was twice as fast in my quick test.
Ok, after trying it I have to say I'll never use this.
Here is a trick I've been using to save:
@monzongo: I just upgraded last weekend. I don't see what the big deal is, it works about the same. You should wait for snow leopard.
@madog: Can you give me a list of windows programs that do this?
@thelouisguy: I've heard of yahoo pipes but I'm not sure what it is or how it works.
@Zyada: ahh, in that case living under a bridge is the least affordable because nobody there has a job.
With the brooch markets so volatile, a fibula-flipping brooch-broker like myself would be updating this constantly.
@majdmash: it's like people don't even realize the apocalypse is right around the corner.
@josho2001: I made an HTPC recently for about that. That included a nice little case. AMD x2 5200, 2gb, radeon 4350 (or something) w/ hdmi.
@HopeEquiette: are you sure that with flex and actionscript 3 that silverlight is still better for OOP? Or are you talking specifically about web programming in ASP?
@jonnydover: <—-what that guy said.