
I liked this one featured on Jalop recently.

I don't know why, but I get the creeps from anyone I see wearing these. Just yesterday standing in line for a coffee, dude walks in behind me. Looks like any ordinary joe - until I happen to look down at the floor. I'm suddenly nervous, shifty, looking over my shoulder to see what he's doing. It's just weird, man.

What's up with the edge of the roof in the first gallery picture? Looks Google-street view-ishly Photoshopped to me.

But.. but.. but Netflix's online selection sux!!!

@imaeffinginger: Nicely done, sir. I've got Guinness on the line- they'd like you to spell your last name for them.

"You have the thirty-six chambers, and there’s nine members of the Wu-Tang Clan. Each member of Wu-Tang has four chambers of the heart. And what’s nine times four? Thirty-six. There are thirty-six fatal points on the body, and that times ten degrees of separation between each point equals 360 degrees. Therefore, the

@ithoughtthespeedlimitwas90offi...: +1

This statment is verifiable mispellt.

Anyone ever seen the motorcycle couriers in London? Those guys are insane - hopping sidewalks and such to get around traffic. I know an HIV researcher working in London who uses them to transport whole penis tissue taken from sexual reassignment surgeries to their clinic in a cooler. Brings new meaning to the term

How do I load this into my Holga? It's only got a 3.5" floppy drive in it.

Now playing

I miss my wife's YJ- how many cars can be rebuilt in under 4 minutes??

My parents' 1972 sky-blue Volvo 145. We had it for 18 years and 298,000 miles. Look at that turning radius!

20 Ds. 20 D fuckin' batteries!

@VernonGalute: And when they say: let's go see a show instead...?

@morphoyle: Exactly. I was really surprised to hear that Verizon's big, bad network couldn't do this, and thought I'd share my surprise. As some pointed out, wifi connections will allow one to overcome this limitation when the service is secure enough and in range, but the answer will be no in many other cases.

@WestwoodDenizen: As do I. I find it's actually pretty courteous to provide someone with info they're inquiring about in realtime. They are always grateful to avoid a callback.

@ru486: Exactly. Except for the NY bit - I put the person on speaker, continue talking and bring info to the conversation that couldn't have been possible otherwise.